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The Mean Value Theorem 2005-12-22
From Candace:
Verify that the function satisfies the hypotheses of the Mean Value Theorem on the given interval. Find all numbers "c" that satisfy the Mean Value Theorem. 11. f(x)=3x2 + 2x +5 [-1, 1]
Answered by Penny Nom.
$24,000 investment at 5% daily interest 2005-12-21
From Gary:
My friend is a professional day trader on the stock exchange. He claims that he can take a $24,000 investment at 5% daily interest and at the end of 3 years have approximately 34 million dollars. Can this be correct?
Answered by Penny Nom.
The height of a right triangle 2005-12-21
From Sanmantha:
I am trying to solve for the height of a right triangle. The base is .05 mm, and the apex is 0.5 degrees. I vaguely recall from high school that this should be enough information to solve for height, but I can't remember what equation(s) to use.
Answered by Penny Nom.
A rectangle has a length that is 7cm more than twice the width 2005-12-21
From Stephanie:
A rectangle has a length that is 7cm more than twice the width. The area of the rectangle is 60cm squared. Find the dimensions of the rectangle.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Simultaneous Equations 2005-12-21
From Matt:
I have these two equations,
336 = 60a + 10b
432 = 84a + 6b
Am I right in saying both a and b are 4.8?

Answered by Penny Nom.
Skeeball 2005-12-21
From Jenny:
Kira and Dajuan decided to have a Skeeball contest. They each played one game to see who would get the highest score. A description of their contest follows:
Answered by Denis Hanson.
More on the origin of integers 2005-12-20
From A student:
have a math extra credit project and we have to go online and look up the origin of integers and I can't find it anywhere do you know??????
Answered by Harley Weston.
A word problem 2005-12-19
From Karen:
A package designer wants to protect an expensive book with a 5 cm wide cardboard rim. The area of the rim is equal to the area of the book. What is the length of the book? (The book is square)
Answered by Penny Nom.
Mathilda and Matthew 2005-12-18
From A student:

Question: 1) The average of 12 is 5. The average of of 8 of these numbers ia 6. What is the average of the other four.

2)Mathilda is playing a mathematical game with Matthew. Each player starts from a point, then moves in a straight line to a second point,then to a third and so on. The moves are not made randomly, but are determined by a mathematical rule. The object of the game is to find the rule. It is Mathilda's turn to move on the grid . She starts at point M (3,9), moves to point N (2,4) and then to point O (0,0). Given Mathilda's rule, what could be the coordinates of the next point to which she might move?

Answered by Penny Nom.
The game of 24 with 7, 5, 5 and 4 2005-12-18
From Nicole:
i was playing the 24 game the other day. you get 4 digits and you have to turn them into 24. You can use addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication. You have to use all the numbers but you can only use each number once. an example is 2 4 4 1 the answer is (2x4)(4-1)=24. I got stuck on one. The numbers were 7 5 5 4 .
Answered by Penny Nom.
-3^4 and (-3)^4 2005-12-17
From Brad:
What is the answer to

-34 = ?
-(3)4 = ?

(-3)4 = ?

Answered by Penny Nom.
If 7 times a number is decreased by 8 ... 2005-12-17
From Joyce:
If 7 times a number is decreased by 8, the result is the same as when 3 times the number is increased by 6. Find the number.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Percent change 2005-12-17
From Marie:
What is the percentage change when 1500 becomes 2000?
Answered by Penny Nom.
A max-min problem 2005-12-16
From Julie:
A car travels west at 24 km/h. at the instant it passes a tree, a horse and buggy heading north at 7 km/h is 25 km south of the tree. Calculate the positions of the vessels when there is a minimum distance between them.
Answered by Penny Nom.
The lengths of the sides of an octagon 2005-12-16
From Andrew:
I need to find the length of the sides of an octagon with an area of 289 in2.
Answered by Penny Nom.



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