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Reverse pecentage 2005-03-01
From Nathan:
Question for you. If I have spent $10.00, what is the mathamatical equation to
figure out what the G.S.T (7%) was?

Also if I were to spend $80.00 on a hotel, and I would like to know how much
G.S.T (7%) and how much provincial tax (6%) I spent how would I go about this.

Answered by Penny Nom.
6 poules pondent 6 oeufs en 6 jours 2005-03-01
From Nathalie:
Answered by Claude Tardif.
The area of a quadrilateral 2005-02-27
From Jonathan:
I want to know how to find the area of a quadrilateral.
Answered by Penny Nom.
A triangle question 2005-02-26
From John:
H=10' 7and3/4",angleX=30 degrees solve for the adjacent side
Answered by Penny Nom.
A countably infinite collection of countably infinite sets 2005-02-26
From Feroz:
Suppose a set can be divided into a countably infinite number of countably infinite sets.Then can the original set be considered as a countably infinite set?
Answered by Penny Nom.
A 3-digit product 2005-02-25
From A student:
I have an odd 3- digit product. My factors are a 1 digit number and either a 2 or 3 digit number. My factors are odd, but neither is 1. Find my factors and my product.
Answered by Penny Nom.
The volume of a sphere 2005-02-25
From Stephanie:
find the volume of a sphere that has a diameter of 12 cm. please show me how to work this problem
Answered by Penny Nom.
Trading fish for bread 2005-02-25
From Mike:
Byron lives where people trade goods they produce for other things they need. He has some fish and wants to trade them for bananas. He finds the following:
5 fish = 2 loaves of bread
6 oranges = 2 melons
1 loaf of bread = 1 banana and 3 oranges
4 loaves of bread = 14 oranges
How many bananas can Byron get with 5 fish?

Answered by Penny Nom.
Cubic feet and feet 2005-02-25
From Nancy:
How do you convert cubic feet into feet?

The problem is to convert 90 cubic feet into feet.

Answered by Penny Nom.
l'aire d'un carré 2005-02-24
From Un eleve:
calculer l'aire d'un carré parfait sachant que les diagonales mesurent 8 mètres

Je ne sais pas comment lui expliquer.

Answered by Claude Tardif.
The capacity of a dryer 2005-02-23
From Darlene:
I am trying to figure out the capacity of my dryer. I need to know the size in order to buy a new one. The drum within measures 27" in diameter and 18" deep. I know that I am looking for an answer in cubic feet but am not sure how to determine this.
Answered by Penny Nom.
An irregular pentagon 2005-02-23
From Tony:
Please help me with confirming the area in square footage of the irregular pentagon

My Name is Tony and I am working on understanding the square footage as calculated in the drawing. I also believe this is a secondary level question.

I saw the example http://mathcentral.uregina.ca/QQ/database/QQ.09.03/dana2.html and would appreciate how you worked through the problem, but couldn't find the calculations so that I could adapt them to my sizes.

Answered by Penny Nom.
13 puissances 2005 2005-02-22
From Un eleve:
je voulais vous demander combien fait 132005
(13 puissances 2005) svp

Answered by Claude Tardif.
Each interior angle of a particular polygon is an obtuse angle... 2005-02-22
From Victoria:
Each interior angle of a particular polygon is an obtuse angle which is a whole number of degrees. What is the greatest number of sides the polygon could have?
Answered by Walter Whiteley.
Grams per liter 2005-02-20
From A student:
A litre and a half of water has 0.045 grams of herbicide added for spraying roses. How many grams of herbicide per litre is this?
Answered by Penny Nom.



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