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Conversion of a recipe 2005-02-06
From Peg:

A Hungarian friend gave me an old, old family recipe and it calls for:

20 dg. sugar

15 dg. filbert

I can't find a conversion table anywhere that explains how to get ounces from "dg." Do you know what the equivalent would be in ounces of dry measurement?

Answered by Harley Weston.
Extraneous solutions 2005-02-04
From Heather:
My teacher wants to know why there are extraneous solutions in logarithms?
Answered by Penny Nom.
A seating arrangement 2005-02-03
From Kay:
If you have 5 married couples, how many arrangements can be made if they must sit across from each other?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Three debts 2005-02-03
From Kat:
If I have three debts and 49% percent of total debt is loaned at 9% intrest, 34% of the debt is at 21% intrest and 17% of the total debt is at 14% intrest, how do I calculate the average rate of intrest on total debt?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Strategies for teaching operations with positive and negative decimal numbers 2005-02-02
From Erin:
I am wondering if you can suggest any strategies for teaching operations with positive and negative decimal numbers that do not rely on rules that must be memorized?
Answered by Diane Hanson.
The diaonals of an isosceles trapezoid are congruent 2005-02-02
From Daniel:
I am currently unable to find a proof that the diaonals of an isosceles trapezoid are congruent. Might you happen to have one?
Answered by Walter Whiteley.
Solve for x 2005-02-02
From Christie:
Solve for x

.387 = (.40 - .265x)/(sqrt(1-x2))

Answered by Penny Nom.
A line segment connecting two vertices of a polygon 2005-02-02
From James:
What is a line segment (not a side) connecting two vertices of a polygon called?
Answered by Penny Nom.
The volume of an aquarium 2005-02-01
From Selena:
Im trying to figure out the amount of gallons from a rectangle 48x20x12?
Answered by Penny Nom.
'zero divided by one' and 'one divided by zero' 2005-01-31
From Katrina:
Please advise how best to explain the distinction between the solution to 'zero divided by one' and 'one divided by zero'. I remember being told in school that one of them is undefined and the other is zero but I'm having difficulty with calculating and explaining it to some highly curious 10 year olds!
Answered by Claude Tardif and Walter Whiteley.
Are the vetices of this quadrilateral concyclic? 2005-01-30
From A student:
Show that the peints A(-2,0),B(6,6),C(-1,7) and D(-2,6) are concyclic. Also find its circum radius.
Answered by Chris Fisher.
Sum to n terms of the series i.(2^(n-i)) 2005-01-28
From Satya:
Sum to n terms of the series i.(2n-i)
Answered by Penny Nom.
Some logarithm problems 2005-01-27
From Jo:
Given ln x=7.1; ln y=8.2, Find ln(x^3y^7)
Answered by Penny Nom.
By how much is 100 multiplied or divided,... 2005-01-27
From Benedict:
By how much is 100 multiplied or divided, so that whether the number obtained is divided by 5 or 7, there will be a remainder of 1 and so that at the same time, the first quotient is greater by 4 than the second?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Approximating an integral 2005-01-27
From A student:
i used excel to find the area under a graph instead of integrating the function the analytical way. These are the different answers i got with different width of the x-values, the smaller the x-increment gets the more precise the area is when compared to the answer obtained the numerical way. I have trouble seeing why the answers i get is getting bigger and bigger and not smaller can someone plz explain?
Answered by Penny Nom.



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