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Polynomials degree 4 and bigger 2003-06-26
From Stephen:

How do I show kids how to find all the zeros for polynomials degree 4 and bigger.

For examples:
r(x) = x5-11x3-7x2+77 = (x2-11)(x3-7) and s(x) = x4-121 = (x2-11)(x2+11)

Also am I correct when I say that the following are irreducible?

f(x) = x2-11
g(x) = x3-7
h(x) = x4-5

Answered by Harley Weston.
Odd powers of sine and cosine 2003-06-25
From Antonio:
Can you please tell me how to integrate a trig function involving sine and cosine? I know if the powers of both the sine and cosine are even and nonnegative, then I can make repeated use of the power-reducing formulas. But for the question I have on my hand, the powers of both sine and cosine are odd: ( sin3x + cos7x ) dx.
Answered by Harley Weston.
Sesame Street on Stage 2003-06-25
From Christie:
Sesame Street on Stage has different ticket prices for adults and for children under 6. Beth and her two children, ages 3 and 4, paid $15 to gain entrance, while Jamie and John Jacobs and their 2-year old daughter got in for $19.50. What is the ticket price for adults?
Answered by Penny Nom.
4-3(m+1)=(-38) 2003-06-25
From Jamie:

I have a problem, like most of your mailers, I do remember BEDMAS but maybe I'm missing the finer points!

It's been a while, he goes


Answered by Penny Nom.
Interest compounded daily 2003-06-24
From Jeff:
What would be the amount of interest charged or accrued and how is it calculated on principal balance of $209.12 @ 6% interest rate compounded daily for 70 days?
Answered by Penny Nom.
pst and gst 2003-06-24
From Robin:
I need to find an easy solution to remembering how to calculated the gst and pst once I have the total amount. ex: my total is $154.40, I have to find the gst and then the pst. I live in bc so the taxes are 7% for gst and 7.5% for pst.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Flim 2003-06-24
From Dan:
I have a 4th grader and the word (Flims) came up in her summer text,
Answered by Penny Nom.
An inch and a millimeter 2003-06-21
From Greg:
The conversion factor for inches to millimeters 25.4 It strikes me as very odd that it's not some infinite decimal. I could understand this if one system was derived from the other but as I understand it they were derived independently. Is the conversion 25.4 or 25.4000XXXXXXX? If it's just 25.4 then how did that happen?
Answered by Harley Weston.
Numbers John likes 2003-06-20
From Steve:
John likes 400 but not 300; he likes 100 but not 99; he likes 2500 but not 2400.

Which does he like?

Answered by Penny Nom.
The sum of two numbers is 5 and their difference is 2003-06-16
From Akhil:
The sum of two numbers is 5 and their difference is 11. What is the product of the two numbers?
Answered by Penny Nom.
A 40% markup 2003-06-12
From Nick:
I am attempting to determine the Retail price of an item that costs me 11.00. Our company wants to sell it at a markup of 40%. I calculated this two ways, first the way I thought it should be done. Second, the way the calculator does it (and my accountant).

  1. Cost + Cost*(percentmarkup/100)= retail price 11.00 + 11.00*.40 = retail price 11.00 + 4.40 = 15.40 retail price

  2. Using the calculators Mark Up key the answer is 18.33. Or 7.33 more than the cost or 67%.

I am confused by this Mark Up key and how it calculates. I used a cost of $10.00 and marked it up 50%. I thought it should equal $15.00 but the calculator says $20.00? This seems to be 100% markup, yes?

Can you explain the difference between the way I did it and the way a Business calculator does it?

Answered by Penny Nom.
A project about crosses 2003-06-10
From Joel:

I have this project to do about crosses and I can't think of what the answer is for the following questions: What is the area rule of the crosses (the table below will help you)?
Cross NumberArea sq cm

I also need to know what the formula is for it?

Answered by Penny Nom.
Teaching second grade 2003-06-10
From A teacher:
I am going to be teaching second grade next year. How can I differentiate instruction in mathematics to meet the needs of all of my students, from those who need intervention to those who need challenges? What are some techniques I can try for this grade level?
Answered by Diane Hanson.
Two trig problems 2003-06-10
From Bett:

I have this ongoing trouble with trig and solving triangles with laws of cosines and sines!! For example if it asks to solve triangle FGH, given angle G=102.7 , side f=14.2, and h=18.6. Now do I use law of cosines because I don't have the measure of an angle and length of the opposite side??I don't know where to go from here,I am totally confused!!!

I also have a problem with this word problem I have been doing. It asks: An airplane flies 847.5 km at a bearing of 237.3 degrees. How far south and west fo its original position is it? Huh? Please help!

Answered by Penny Nom.
How many gallons are in 83 liters? 2003-06-09
From Anita:
How many gallons are in 83 liters?
Answered by Penny Nom.



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