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Sequences that agree on their first four terms 2002-05-16
From Mike:
Are there two formulas that define sequences that agree on their first four terms, but differ on the fifth term and all succeeding terms?
Answered by Chris Fisher.
Thank you gifts 2002-05-15
From Navi:
Children usually attend birthday parties where a thank you gift is given to the children who attent the party. a family likes to hand out books at thank-you gifts.

(a) One child invited to the party is given 2 books as gift. if there was 15 different books to choose from, how many diffrent gifts were possible?

Answeer: I did this way 15C2=105

(b) if the 15 books consisted of 8 nonfiction and 7 fiction, how many diffrent gifts were possible if at least 1 of 2 books were fiction?

Answered by Penny Nom.
Day care 2002-05-13
From Sonam:
In many familes, both parents work. as a result, there is increasing need for day care. data was collected; and in one year in Canada, approximately 32% of children aged 0 to 11 years were in day care for at least 20h per week.

(a) what is the probability, in a random poll of 60 children form the age of 0 to 11, that more than 15 children are in day care at least 20 h per week? nearest tenth of one %

P(children are in daycare at least 20h)= 60/60C14 = to the answer

(b) what is the probability, in a random pool of 60 children that fewer than 20 are in day care at least 20 h per week?

P= 20/60= 33.3% stay in day care for 20h per week,

I dont know if these answers are right please help me out.

Answered by Andrei Volodin.
What is Calculus About? 2002-05-13
From A student:
I am a high school senior and have to write an essay answering the question "What is Calculus?" I need some ideas. Thanks
Answered by Walter Whiteley.
A game of dice 2002-05-13
From Mika:
To play a game a dice is rolled to see who plays first. four players are going to play the game. what is the probability that at least two people roll the same number?

ANSWER: P(least 2 people roll the same #)=number of player/total outcome

P = 4!/4C2 = 24/4C2 = 4 the answer is 40%

Answered by Andrei Volodin.
An award ceremony 2002-05-13
From Mika:
Five students are equally qualifide their school at an award ceremony. two students will be randomly chosen to go to the ceremony.

(a) if Tony is one of the five student, what is the probability that he will be chosen?
Ans: 2/5C2=0.2 which is 20%

(b)Tony's friend, Allecia, who was also eligible to go, has been chosen. what is the Tony's probability of being chosen after he learns that allecica is going:
Ans: 1/5C1=0.2

I think the answes are wrong please help me with these questions

Answered by Andrei Volodin.
Some algebra 2002-05-11
From A student:

/x - 2 ^4/x = 8

/ = square root sign
^ = 4th root of x

also, dividing
2x3 -3 -6x
4 + 2x

the 2x3 is 2x to the third

Answered by Penny Nom.
A ski trip 2002-05-10
From Navi:
A ski trip at the school has been arranged. there are 30 students that have paid for the trip and 6 parents that have volunteered to chaperone. to transport the students and parents easily, they are to be divided into two group. one group has 10 students and 2 parents, and the other group has 20 students and 4 parents.

(a) How many different group of 10 students can be formed?

(b) How many different groups consistinmg of 10 students and 2 parents are possible?

(c) kelly is one of the students going on the ski trip, and kelly's mother volunteered to be one of the chaperones. kelly's mother would prefer to be in the smaller group and not in the same group as kelly. if this wish is honoured, how many ways can the smaller group and its chaperones be chosen?

Answered by Harley Weston.
The law of cosines and obtuse angles 2002-05-09
From Bryant:
The question that I am pondering is that I need to derive the law of cosines for a case in which angle C is an obtuse angle.
Answered by Penny Nom.
A rectangular marquee 2002-05-07
From Alyaa:
a marquee with rectangular sides on a square base with a flat roof is to be constructed from 250 meters square of canvas. find the maximum volume of the marquee. i find this topic so hard
Answered by Harley Weston.
Forming a committee 2002-05-06
From Navi:
A committee is to be formed to investigate what activites teenagers have available in small communities. the committee is to have 7 members, chosen randomly form interested community members. there are 10 parents, 5 teenagers, and 4 adult without children who have all expressed an interest in serving on the committee.

what is the probability that the adults without children are all on the committee?

Answered by Andrei Volodin and Penny Nom.
Oven lights 2002-05-06
From Manny:
Q.A manufacturer of stoves has to buy oven lights from from two diffrent companies because one company alone cannot meet its demand. the manufacturer purchases 60% of the oven lighs from comany A and the rest form Company B. Past experiecnce shown that 1% of Company A's oven are defective oven and 2.5% of Company B's oven light are defective.

Determine the probability that a defective oven light is supplied by company A.

Answered by Andrei Volodin.
How will I use calculus in my career? 2002-05-06
From Meridith:
How will I, hopefully a future secondary mathematics teacher, use calculus in my career if I'm not teaching calculus?
Answered by Walter Whiteley.
3 = -2x 2002-05-05
From Timothy:
My question is 3 = -2x

How do I isolate the variable here?

Answered by Penny Nom.
A probability tree 2002-05-04
From A student:
Karl and Naomi roll three dice. Karl gives $10 to Naomi if the number 5 turns up once, twice or three times. Naomi gives Karl $3 in all other cases. A) construct the probability tree for this situation.

B) Does Karl have an advantage in this game? Justify your answer.
My problem is I am unfamiliar on how to draw this probability tree and seem to be having a lot of difficulties, when you have a chance please answer this math problem and get back to me with the results.

Answered by Penny Nom.



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