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cubic centimeters

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12 items are filed under this topic.
How many cubic centimeters are in a cubic meter? 2014-02-11
From merylin:
How many cubic centimeters are in a cubic meter? Use a sketch to explain your reasoning.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Cubic centimeters and ounces 2009-02-06
From Dawn:
1-- syringe contains 5.5cc of medicine & cost $13.50
1 --2 oz bottle of medicine cost $17.50

How many cc's in 2 oz, & which is the better deal?

Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Cubic centimeters and milliliters 2008-07-07
From Robert:
how many milliliters are in 750 cubic centimeters?
Answered by Harley Weston.
How do i convert milliliters to grams for water and also for copper sulfate (CuSO4)? 2007-11-11
From jenn:
how do i convert milliliters to grams for water and also for copper sulfate (CuSO4)?
Answered by Harley Weston.
Cubic centimeters to cubic yards 2007-11-10
From Logan:
if i have 188.4cm^3 of concrete how do i change it into cubic yards?
Answered by Penny Nom.
I want to convert milliliters into grams. 2006-12-14
From Kenchotenzin :
I want to convert milliliters into grams.
Answered by Penny Nom.
130 cc. is ? 2004-08-20
From Ayrn:
130 cc. is ? I have to put 130cc. of petroleum in a bucket how much exactly is that? Also 110 cc.? I have to also put 110cc. wood alcohol in a bucket aswell!
Answered by Penny Nom.
425 cc's of a saline solution 2004-03-30
From Julie:
425 cc's of a saline solution is equal to how much in lbs-weight??
Answered by Harley Weston.
Ounces into cubic centimeters 2004-01-27
From A student:
how do you convert ounces into cubic centimeters? Ex: how does 12 oz. change into cc.
Answered by Penny Nom.
A box that holds 22.4 liters 2002-07-07
From Jon:
How do I find the measurements required to make a box that holds 22.4 liters of something?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Ounces and cubic centimeters 2002-05-30
From Martin:
How many ounces are in 600cc of liquid?
Answered by Penny Nom.
My 1978 Chevy has a 350 cubic inch engine 2002-03-11
From Sharon:
If my 1978 Chevy has a 350 cubic inch engine, about what size engine would that be in liter?
Answered by Penny Nom.



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