We found 110 items matching your search.
In this note Gregory creates a problem inspired by the Luther Invitational Tournament (LIT), a longstanding basketball tournament at Luther College High School in Regina.
AUTHOR(S): Gregory Akulov
In this grades 7 to 9 activity students make measurements of their school and then construct a scale drawing.
AUTHOR(S): Lesley Boulanger
A look back at an early written numerical notation.
AUTHOR(S): Mathed 300
Some ideas to begin a problem-solving centred mathematics program.
AUTHOR(S): Vi Maeers and David Bale
This note is in the twelth edition of Ideas and Resources for Teachers of Mathematics, a newsletter published by the Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers' Society. It announces some short courses to be offered in Saskatoon in the Summer of 2000.
AUTHOR(S): Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers' Society
Help student discovery the relationship between surface area and volume through various activities. Once concept is attained, follow up with activities on where the surface area to volume ratio is found in the real world.
AUTHOR(S): Janice Cotcher
This unit was written by three students as a project in a mathematics education class, EdMath 215, at the University of Regina.
AUTHOR(S): Vivian Archambault, Danielle Desjardins and Terry Wood
AMOF, the Amazing Mathematical Object Factory produces lists of mathematical objects in response to customer orders. Products include permutations, combinations, pentominoes, magic squares, subsets and more. AMOF was created in the Computer Science Department of the University of Victoria and is currently on the SchoolNet site.
AUTHOR(S): Frank Ruskey, Susan Ruskey and Scott Lausch
Continuing his discussion of circular arc midpoint computation Oleksandr develops an expression for the midpoint of a circular arc in n dimensions.
AUTHOR(S): Oleksandr G. Akulov
Hamid Naderi Yeganeh is a student of mathematics at University of Qom in Iran. He likes to create beautiful images by basic mathematical concepts.
AUTHOR(S): Hamid Naderi Yeganeh
In this resource is a statement and explanation of the Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion as well as a proof using the Binomial Theorem. The note concludes with two examples.
AUTHOR(S): D. Hanson
Rick uses a problem sent to Quandaries and Queries to illustrate the usefulness of proving trigonometric identities.
AUTHOR(S): Rick Seaman
Another challenge problem from Gregory, this time concerning the map of Saskatchewan.
AUTHOR(S): Gregory Akulov
Charles Hewitt asked Quandaries and Queries for an algorithm to determine whether a number is prime. Penny wrote this response about the Greek scholar Eratosthenes and his sieve.
AUTHOR(S): Penny Nom
This resource is a description of an unsolved problem in geometry dealing with reflected triangles. The problem led one of the authors, Nathalie, to devise an algorithm and resulting graphic in an attempt to study the problem. This graphic was used as the background image on the Mathematicians at Work poster which is part of the Mathematics with a Human Face project.
AUTHOR(S): Judi McDonald, Nathalie Sinclair and Harley Weston