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Solution to May 2006 Problem

The Problem:
Find the greatest common divisor of the 1003 integers


where . is the number collections of k objects that can be formed from a set of n objects.


            We received correct solutions from

Saïd Amghibech (Québec)

Xavier Hecquet (France)

Pierre Bornsztein (France)

Wolfgang Kais (Germany)

John Campbell (Alberta) Matthew Lim (USA)
Saturnino Campo Ruiz (Spain) Patrick LoPresti (USA)
Jean-Denis Eiden (France) Juan Mir Pieras (Spain)
Federico Felizzi (Berlin) Joseph Najnudel (France)
Philippe Fondanaiche (France) Mark Pilloff (USA)
H.N. Gupta (Regina)  


            Let D be the greatest common divisor that we seek.  We shall see that D = 2.

Step 1. D divides 22005.

From the binomial formula,




By subtracting the second from the first then dividing by 2, we get


Therefore, the greatest common divisor D of . must divide their sum 22005, as claimed.

Step 2.  Since D also must divide . = 2·1003, we see that

D is either 1 or 2.

Step 3. is even for j = 1, ..., 1003.

We use the identity (discussed below) . to find that


Since the right side is an even integer while 2j – 1 is always odd, we deduce that . must be even.  That is, all our binomial coefficients are even.

            We conclude that D = 2, as claimed.

Comments and generalizations.

Step 3 depends on a familiar identity.  You can verify it, if you wish, by doing the arithmetic:


or, you can use a "committee argument":

To select an n-member committee with a chairman you can either pick the n members (in one of . ways) and choose the chairman from among them, or you can first select the chairman from the entire group of m and then choose the remaining n – 1 members of the committee from the remaining m-1 members of the group.

In place of step 1, five of our correspondents made direct use of the fact that
. = 2006 = 2·17·59, which implies that D divides 2·17·59.  They simply had to show that . is not divisible by 17 while . is not divisible by 59.  One advantage to our featured argument is that our same three steps show, more generally, that

For q odd, the greatest common divisor of  . is 2h.

We thank Gupta, Mir, and Campo for this observation.  Matthew Lim took the generalization even farther.  He proved that

If p is a prime number and m is a fixed integer that is relatively prime to p, then ph is the greatest common divisor of numbers of the form ., with 1 ≤ k < phm and k relatively prime to p.

For him, step 1 had to be replaced by an argument that if q is a prime divisor of m and qb is the largest power of q that divides m, then q does not divide .The details are not difficult, particularly if you know a useful theorem of Kummer.  We discussed these ideas and provided references in our solution to the problem of June, 2001.



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