Solution for April 2012
The Problem: |
Recall that the incenter $I$ of a triangle is the point where the three internal angle bisectors meet. Prove that any line through $I$ that divides the area of the triangle in half also divides its perimeter in half; conversely, any line through $I$ that divides the perimeter of the triangle in half also divides its area in half.
Correct solutions were submitted by
Lamis Alsheikh
(Syria) |
Diana Andrei (Sweden) |
Luigi Bernardini (Italy) |
Aleksandar Blazhevski-Cane (Macedonia) |
Saturnino Campo Ruiz (Spain) |
Bernard Collignon (France) |
Hubert Desprez, (France) |
Sébastien Dumortier (France) |
Mei-Hui Fang (Austria) |
Philippe Fondanaiche (France) |
Verena Haider (Austria) |
Tony Harrison (England) |
Benoît Humbert (France) |
Ile Ilijevski (Macedonia) |
Matthew Lim (USA) |
Patrick J. LoPresti (USA) |
Raphaël Notarantonio (France) |
Albert Stadler (Switzerland) |
Arthur Vause (UK) |
Our solution this month is quite short, but we will have lots to add about the problem.
Triangle geometry employs a notation that has become standard: Our triangle $ABC$ has sides $a = BC, b=CA$, and $c=AB$; its incenter is $I$, inradius $r$. We use square brackets to denote area. Let $\ell$ be an arbitrary line through $I$; because such a line must intersect two sides of $\Delta ABC$, we label the figure so that $\ell$ meets $AC$ at $D$ and $AB$ at $E$. Finally, let $b'=DA$ and $c'=AE$.

Our proof consists of eight equivalent statements.
\ell \mbox{ divides the area of} &\Delta&ABC \mbox{ in half }\\ &\Leftrightarrow& [ABC] = 2[AED]\\
&\Leftrightarrow& [ABI]+[BCI]+[CAI] =2\left([AEI]+[AID]\right)\\
&\Leftrightarrow& \frac{c \cdot r}2 +\frac{a \cdot r}2 +\frac{b \cdot r}2 =2\left(\frac{c' \cdot r}2
+\frac{b' \cdot r}2\right)\\
&\Leftrightarrow& a+b+c = 2(c' + b')\\
&\Leftrightarrow& a+(b-b')+(c-c') = b' + c'\\
&\Leftrightarrow&BC + CD + EB = DA + AE\\
&\Leftrightarrow& \ell \mbox{ divides the perimeter of $\Delta ABC$ in half.}
Comments. Note that our argument remains valid should the point $D$ coincide with the vertex $C$, in which case $DI = CI$ bisects $\angle ACB$. As several correspondents observed, for the angle bisector $CE$ to divide either the area or perimeter of $\Delta ABC$ in half, $E$ would necessarily be the midpoint of $AB$, and the triangle would be isosceles with $CA = CB$.
Stadler kindly sent us a reference to a "Proof Without Words" [3] which proved pictorially that a line passing through the incenter of a triangle bisects the perimeter if and only if it bisects the area. Unfortunately, that proof badly needs quite a few words to become comprehensible; even then the argument there is not as simple as what we have featured above, which is a distillation of the lovely solutions sent in by our readers.
Stronger theorems. By arguing more carefully one can prove a result appearing in [2], namely
If any two of the following statements hold about a line $\ell$ that passes through a given triangle, then so does the third: (i) $\ell$ bisects the area of the triangle; (ii) $\ell$ bisects the perimeter of the triangle; (iii) $\ell$ contains the incenter of the triangle.
Verena Haider discovered a beautiful theorem which has the preceding results as immediate consequences.
Haider's Theorem. For any triangle $ABC$ and any line $\ell$, $\ell$ divides the area and the perimeter of $\Delta ABC$ in the same ratio if and only if it passes through the triangle's incenter.
Proof. We first assume that $\ell$ divides the area and the perimeter of $\Delta ABC$ in the same ratio. In our previous notation the ratio of areas is
$$\frac{[EBCD]}{[AED]} = \frac{[ABC]-[AED]}{[AED]} = \frac{[ABC]}{[AED]}-1,$$
while the ratio of perimeters is
$$\frac{EB+BC+CD}{DA+AE} = \frac{(c-c')+a+(b-b')}{b'+c'}.$$
The right-hand sides are equal when
$$ \frac{[ABC]}{[AED]} = 1 + \frac{(c-c')+a+(b-b')}{b'+c'} = \frac{a+b+c}{b'+c'},$$
[AED] = \frac{b'+c'}{a+b+c}[ABC] = \frac{b'+c'}{a+b+c}\cdot(a+b+c)\frac{r}2 = (b'+c')\frac{r}2.
We want to prove that $I$ lies on $DE$; to this end we let the bisector of $\angle BAC$ meet $DE$ at $F$. The perpendicular distances from $F$ to $AC$ and $AE$ have the same value, say $d$. Therefore,
[AED]=[AEF]+[AFD] = \frac{c'd}2 + \frac{b'd}2 = (b'+c')\frac{d}2.
Equations (1) and (2) imply that $d=r$. Because $I$ is the unique point on the angle bisector $AI$ at a distance of $r$ from $AB$ and $AC$, it follows that $F$ coincides with $I$, whence $I$ lies on $DE$ as claimed.
For the converse we are given that $I$ lies on $DE$. We start the chain of equalities with the ratio of areas,
\frac{[EBCD]}{[AED]} &=& \frac{[ABC]-[AED]}{[AED]}\\
&=& \frac{\frac{r}{2}\cdot(a+b+c)-\left([AEI]+[AID]\right)}{[AEI]+[AID]}\\
&=& \frac{\frac{r}{2}\cdot(a+b+c)-\left(b'\cdot\frac{r}2 + c'\cdot\frac{r}2\right)}{b'\cdot\frac{r}2 + c'\cdot\frac{r}2}\\
&=& \frac{(c-c')+a+(b-b')}{b'+c'} = \frac{EB+BC+CD}{DA+AE} ,
and end with the ratio of the two pieces of the perimeter; that is, the two ratios are equal as desired.
Further comments.
- Let us call a line that simultaneously bisects the area and perimeter a bisecting line. Campo, Desprez, Fondanaiche, and Harrison all addressed the question of existence. To see that for any triangle there must exist a bisecting line, consider the family of lines $DE$ through $I$ as $D$ moves clockwise about the perimeter of the triangle. Define the function $f(D)$ to equal the quantity obtained by subtracting the area to the left of $DE$ (when looking from $D$ to $E$) from the area to the right. It is easy to see that $f(D)$ is continuous; moreover, its value for a particular point $D$ is the negative of the value when $D$ and $E$ have switched places. Somewhere between those two points is a position of $D$ for which $f(D)=0$, which is therefore a position where $DE$ bisects the area; because it passes through $I$ we know that it must also bisect the perimeter
- In fact, as Campo Ruiz and Desprez both showed, every triangle has exactly one, two, or three bisecting lines; no other values are possible. It is not too hard to prove this claim; see, for example, [2] and the references there.
- In a letter to the editor [6], Anthony Todd wrote that he learned of the bisecting-line problem from a 1994 article by A. Shen [4]. That article describes the discrimination against certain ethnic groups in entrance examinations to the Mekh-mat at Moscow State University during the 1970's and 1980's. One of the difficult problems designed to eliminate many of the targeted applicants was to draw a straight line that bisects the area and perimeter of a triangle. We have seen that showing the existence of such a line is quite easy; constructing that line is much harder. A solution to the harder problem can be found in [7], pages 19-20 and (in Spanish) by Campo Ruiz [1]. Todd's letter concludes by listing several interesting references; one, in particular, is his interactive web page [5] with an applet that displays the bisecting lines of an arbitrary triangle $ABC$ with fixed side $AB$; vertex $C$ is free to move about the plane. The applet indicates the regions in which the vertex $C$ must lie in order for one or three bisecting lines to appear, with their common boundary being the locus of $C$ for which two bisecting lines appear.
- Saturnino Campo Ruiz, Solución Problema 138
- Dimitrios Kodokostas, Triangle Equalizers, Mathematics Magazine, 83 : 2 (Apr. 2010) 141-146.
- Sidney H. Kung, A Line through the Incenter of a Triangle, Mathematics Magazine, 75 : 3 (June 2002) 214.
- Alexander Shen, Entrance Examinations to the Mekh-mat, The Mathematical Intelligencer, 16 : 4 (1994) 6-10; available at
- Anthony Todd, Bisecting a Triangle,
- Anthony Todd, Letter to the Editor, Mathematics Magazine, 84 : 5 (Dec. 2011) 396.
- Ilan Vardi, Mekh-mat Entrance Examination Problems,