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Which lets you put equal groups together? 2007-01-20
From Kathy:
Which lets you put equal groups together? division, multiplication, subtraction, estimation
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
My lot is 29,333 square feet, can you tell me how much acreage it is? 2007-01-20
From Jane:
My lot is 29,333 square feet, can you tell me how much acreage it is?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Irregular multi sided polygon 2007-01-20
From Graham:
I have an irregular polygon. I know the length of all the sides and know approximately all the internal angles. Is there a formula or table that can calculate the area for me?
Answered by Steve La Rocque, Chris Fisher and Penny Nom.
Depth and volume in a cylindrical tank 2007-01-20
From Andy:
I need to fill a 10 foot diameter by 35 foot long cylinder 85% full. Is there a way to calculate at what depth equals 85%? ie, if I put a stick in the tank would it be at 8.5 feet?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Fractional interest in property (fractions of fractions) 2007-01-19
From Threasa:
Please explain how to solve this problem. Someone inherits 1/2 of 1/3 of 1/4 of 1/8 of 8/8 interest in 100 acres of land would equal what. Please show show in detail how to fiqure this answer. I will be working with a lot of fractional interest.
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
mls and grams 2007-01-19
From JJ:
If I have a 2000litre pool and need to put 2mg of chlorine per litre, how many mls do I need to add?
Answered by Penny Nom.
boulier français 2007-01-19
From Stéphanie:
Je prépare une exposition sur le centième anniversaire du vieux couvent de Château-Richer dans la province du Québec qui s'ouvrira en mai 2007. Dans ce couvent les soeurs de la Congréagation du Perpétuel Secours ont enseigné pendant de nombreuses années. Pour mettre en valeur, le site et l'exposition, nous souhaitons mettre les visiteurs à l'épreuve dans l'ambiance d'une classe d'antan (début 20ème siècle) avec, entre autres, les bouliers français que nous possédons et leur faire faire des exercices de mathématiques avec. Malheureusement, nous ne savons pas comment faire les quatre opérations de base (addition, soustraction, multiplication et division) avec. Pouvez-vous nous l'expliquer de façon détaillé, s'il vous plaît?
Answered by Claude Tardif.
Horaire à créer 2007-01-18
From Suzette:
Je ne sais quel logiciel utiliser pour effectuer mon travail.Quelle science peut résoudre mon problème? J'ai 16 personnes qui effectueront 5 tâches différentes sur une période de 11demi- journées. Chaque tâche est accomplie par 3 personnes èa la fois par demi-journée. sauf la 5e tâche qui sera accomplie par 4 personnes. Je dois distribuer le travail à chacune des 16 personnes pour chaque demi-journée afin que toutes aient accompli les 5 tâches. Dites-moi comment m'y prendre, svp. Et si j'ai 17 personnes, j'aurai 2 groupes de 4 personnes et 3 de 3 personnes
Answered by Claude Tardif.
The area of an irregular pentagon 2007-01-18
From Ranjit:
I would like to find the area of an irregular pentagon where the total perimeter is 1000m. Is there a Heron's formula for this?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
x divided by 8+2= 3x divided by 4-3. 2007-01-18
From Fabiola:
x divided by 8+2= 3x divided by 4-3.
need to solve for x

Answered by Penny Nom.
Answer to skill testing question 2007-01-18
From Mike:
This question was on a ballot. Is the right answer 36 or 1? 5+2-1X6=
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Angular speed 2007-01-18
From Cristina:
A car is moving at a rate of 50 miles per hour, and the diameter of its wheels is 2.5 feet.
a) Find the number of revolutions per minute the wheels are rotating.
b) Find the angular speed of the wheels in radians per minute.

Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
5,8,11,14,17 2007-01-18
From Mairead:
the sequence i was given was 5,8,11,14,17 what is the nth term and what is the 10th term ?
Answered by Paul Betts.
how do i find ratio of 1,000mm to 5m 2007-01-18
From Harry:
how do i find ratio of 1,000mm to 5m
Answered by Paul Betts.
Comparing two fractions 2007-01-18
From Kayla:
Why does eight over twelve compared to one half work when you use cross multiplication.
Answered by Penny Nom.



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