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p=2l+2w find l 2007-01-23
From Jadesola:
p=2l+2w find l
Answered by Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom.
The volume of a pool 2007-01-23
From Steve:
how do we measure the cubic feet of a pool. The pool is 50 feet long by 40 feet wide by 4 feet at the shallow end and 9 feet at the deep end.
Answered by Penny Nom.
how many milliliters does it take to fill a liter? 2007-01-22
From Heather:
how many milliliters does it take to fill a liter?
Answered by Penny Nom.
(3x+5) / 2 = (5x+3) / (3)+ 2 2007-01-22
From Jaclyn:
(3x+5) / 2 = (5x+3) / (3)+ 2
Answered by Penny Nom.
What is the speed of each boat per hour? 2007-01-22
From Garmani:
Two tuna boats leave the same port traveling in opposite directions along the west coast of the United States. One boat travels 5 miles per hour faster than the other. At the end of one day's travel they are 1,080 miles apart. What is the speed of each boat per hour?
Answered by Penny Nom.
The square footage of a lot 2007-01-22
From A parent:
Answered by Penny Nom.
2000 acres 2007-01-22
From Kyle:
if you walked around around 2000 acres how many feet did you walk?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Ratios 2007-01-22
From Evan:
David's company has 300 employees. The ratio of men to women is 4 : 6 . After hiring 60 new people with a 4 : 1 men to women ratio, what is men to women ratio in David's company now?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
How many locations for the lampposts are possible? 2007-01-21
From Madeeha:
Maria's backyard has two trees that are 40 feet apart, as shown in the accompanying diagram. She wants to place lampposts so that the posts are 30 feet from both of the trees. Draw a sketch to show where the lampposts could be placed in relation to the trees. How many locations for the lampposts are possible?
Answered by Penny Nom.
The diagonals of a parallelogram are mutually bisecting 2007-01-21
From Greta:
I am having trouble proving that the diagonals of a parallelogram are mutually bisecting.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Simplify (2x)^4 (1/2x^3)^2 2007-01-21
From Sarah:
Simplify (2x)^4 (1/2x^3)^2
Answered by Penny Nom.
Line segments on dot paper 2007-01-21
From Khaori:
The three line segments below are drawn on centimeter dot paper.

a. Find the length of each segment to the nearest ten-thousandth of a centimeter.
b. Could these line segments be arranged to form a triangle? If no, explain why or why not. If yes, answer this question: could they form a right triangle? Explain why or why not.

Answered by Penny Nom.
The area of a scalene triangle 2007-01-20
From Kalsi:
I have a scalene triangle in which i have to find the area.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Calculating a person's volume 2007-01-20
From James:
Hi i am currently trying to calculate my volume. I have tried to do this using a tank of water and measuring the difference. i worked out that my volume is 112 litres. my question is that i want to make a box that would hold my volume and so i need to convert it into centimeters. i know that there are 100 cm^2 in a litre. if i divide this by 4 i would be 91x91x91ft. is this simply to do with density. if so how could i make this more realistic?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
A formula for figuring a tanks volume at various levels 2007-01-20
From Dave:
I know there has to be a general formula to figure out a tanks volume where as you know the total volume but you need to know what it will hold at various levels measured in 1/8th inches in depth and that you may be able to plug this formula into a program like say excel and thus create a chart unique to that tank. But for the lack of me I can not figure it out.
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.



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