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Freefalling objects 2007-01-25
From Patricia:
How long will it take a stone dropped from atop a 1000-meter tall building to reach the ground?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
6.9 is 11.5 percent of what number? 2007-01-25
From David:
6.9 is 11.5 percent of what number?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Can you make an array for 19? 2007-01-25
From Caleb:
can you make an array for 19
Answered by Penny Nom.
The scale on a drawing 2007-01-24
From Sandra:
If I have a 1cm x 1cm square and enlarge it to a 2cm x 2 cm square, does that show a 1:2 scale or 1:4 scale? Do you use the length only or is area involved?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Percent elevation gain 2007-01-24
From Susan:
okay... so if I hike Gregory Canyon and it's a 1.1 mile hike with a 900 foot elevation gain, what's the percent elevation gain?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
An algebra exercise 2007-01-24
From Clara:
Given x + 2y = -2 and x - 2y = 18, find:
a) x^2 - 4y^2
b) x^2 + 4y^2

Answered by Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom.
Interest compounded daily 2007-01-24
From Scott:
I would like to know what 4.88% interest compounded daily would amount to on $24,000.
Answered by Penny Nom.
A college student jogs from his home to the beach 2007-01-23
From Garmani:
A college student jogs from his home to the beach at 8 miles per hour. He visits with his friends on the beach for 4 hours, and then his friends drive him home at the rate of 40 miles per hour. If the student returns home after 6 hour, what is the distance from his home to the beach?
Answered by Penny Nom.
il y a deux contenant 2007-01-23
From Eric:
il y a deux contenant un de 3 litre et un de 5 litre les deux sont vide comment en les remplisant on peux obtenire 4 litre
Answered by Claude Tardif.
Le produit des fractions 2007-01-23
From Jasmine:
Au mois de mars, le poids de la brebis augmente d'un huitième. Au mois d'avril, son poids augmente d'un neuvième, au mois de juin d'un onzième. Par quelle fraction faut-il multiplier son ancien poids pour obtenir son nouveau poids?
Answered by Claude Tardif.
What is the point of intersection of two sides of a polygon? 2007-01-23
From Tyler:
What is the point of intersection of two sides of a polygon?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
A lumber yard receives 24 studs in a bundle 2007-01-23
From Roxanne:
A lumber yard receives 24 studs in a bundle that contains 25 row (or layers) of studs with 20 studs in each row. A 2X4 stus ia actually 1 1/2'' X 3 1/2'' X 92 5/8 Find the cross sectional area of a bindle in square inches Find the volume of the bundle in cubic feet
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Is -2^2 = -4 or 4? 2007-01-23
From Joan:
Is -2 squared, when written without parentheses around the -2, -4 or could this correctly be solved by squaring -2 (-2 x -2) for an answer of 4? Or, to correctly get an answer of 4, would the problem have to read (-2) squared?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Maximizing profit 2007-01-23
From Denise:
Total Profit= Total Revenue-Total Cost P(x)=R(x)-C(x) Where x is the number of units sold. Find the maximum profit and the number of units that must be sold in order to get that profit. R(x)=5x C(x)=.001x^2+1.2x+60
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
BEDMAS 2007-01-23
From Joanne:
getting 2 different answers for 24divided by 4(5-7)
getting -12 or -3 can you please explain the thinking behind each?

Answered by Steve La Rocque, Haley Ess and Penny Nom.



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