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Irrigation and a sector of a circle 2004-12-23
From Chuck:
A friend of mine is a farmer and uses Pivots to irrigate portions of his land. The crop rows are in straight lines that all form chords of a large circle. The intent is to determine area between any two "boundary" rows expressed in acres.
Answered by Harley Weston.
252 x ? is a cube 2004-12-22
From Andrea:
What is the smallest positive interger by which 252 can be multipled so the result is a perfect cubed?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Making the number 99999 2004-12-22
From Lisa:
Make as many equations as possible to make the number 99999 using all of the numbers 0-9 but only once per equation. example 01234 + 98765 = 99999 she needs to make 150+ equations.
Answered by Paul Betts.
A Reuleaux triangle 2004-12-22
From Bob:
I am trying to remember the name given to the regular figure constructed from three arcs. The figure is like an equilateral triangle except with arcs for each side.
Answered by Chri Fisher.
-1 exposant 4 2004-12-19
From Denis:
ma question est : -1 exposant 4 = ? Quand nous avons une base négative sans parenthèse comme ma question
Answered by Diane Hanson.
Divisibility by 15 2004-12-19
From Lisa:
My son was asked to find divisiblity rules for 15. We have been unable to find the answer. Does it exist?
Answered by Leeanne Boehm and Denis Hanson.
The gradiant of a hill is 9% 2004-12-18
From Jim:
The gradiant of a hill is 9%. What angle is created by the run/rise of the hill and 0 degrees?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Two intersecting lines 2004-12-18
From James:
Imagine a vertical line 1.107' tall. Leaving the top of this line, sloping down to the right at a 4:1, at what horizontal distance will the line strike a second line, which leaves the the bottom of the vertical line sloping down to the right at a rate of .02 ft/ft (or 2%)? There is a fairly easy solution to this, but I have lost my notes!
Answered by Harley Weston.
A two equation fact family 2004-12-17
From Tony and Hailey:
My Daughter Hailey had this question as part of her 4th grade math homework. Name 2 fact families that have only two equations. For the life of me I can't figure it out. Any ideas?
Answered by Penny Nom.
0.999..., asymptotes and infinity 2004-12-17
From Mike:
My Name is Mike and I teach high school. I had a student ask me to explain why .9 repeating is equal to 1. Then he asked me about an asymptote, or why a parabola or any other curve for that matter can continually approach a value (like 1) and yet never attain a value of 1. He is thinking that these two should represent the same concept and yet they contradict each other. Do you have a solid explanation for him? Of by the way he is a 7th grader. Great little thinker!!!!!
Answered by Claude Tardif and Harley Weston.
2^10 = -1/2^x - 1 2004-12-13
From Randy:
Could you explain to me how the following equation is solved please.

2^10 = -1/2^x - 1

Answered by Harley Weston.
ln(x)/x 2004-12-11
From Tina:
What is the derivative of (ln x)/x? The double derivative?
Answered by Penny Nom.
A geometric proof 2004-12-11
From Hanna:
Given: ABCD is a quadrilateral;
Prove: ABCD is a parallelogram

Answered by Penny Nom.
A sequence 2004-12-11
From Amanda:
Find the nth term of the following sequence

4, 10, 28, 82

Answered by Penny Nom.
Three calculus problems 2004-12-09
From Ashley:
Hi, I am having a lot of trouble with three calculus questions and was wondering if you could help
Answered by Penny Nom.



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