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A 2 digit number 2016-02-08
From Lloyd:
The sum of digits of a certain 2 digit number is 7. Reversing its digits increases the number by 9. Find the number
Answered by Penny Nom.
Backfilling a rectangular hole for a shop foundation 2016-02-08
From Jeremy:
Hello, I'm going to be backfilling a rectangular hole for a shop foundation and need to know how much concrete and gravel I'm going to need to fill it in. The shop foundation is 38 feet wide by 30 feet long and 4 feet deep, there is also a concrete perimeter going inside the foundation that measures 16 inches wide and goes all the way around the inside of the foundation
Answered by Penny Nom.
The equation of a vertical line 2016-02-07
From Kagiso:
The equation for a vertical line that goes through the point (7; -3) is?
Answered by Penny Nom.
38 is what percent of 400? 2016-02-07
From chris:
38 is what percent of 400?
Answered by Penny Nom.
An exercise with factorials 2016-02-07
From vidhi:
find the value of n: (1-1/2) (2-2/3) (3-3/4)...(15-15/16) = n!/16
Answered by Penny Nom.
How many acres? 2016-02-06
From JOHN:
How many acres of land is in a strip that is 5000 foot long and 100 feet wide?
Answered by Penny Nom.
A metal gate 2016-02-06
From Carl:
I am a welder and I build gates. I have to put holes in a rail and then bend the rail in a curve. The problem is that the holes in the curved rail must line up with holes in the other straight rails. How do I calculate where to put the holes in the rail before I bend it? I will send a drawing if necessary.
Answered by Harley Weston.
The midpoints of the sides of a quadrilateral 2016-02-05
From Andrea:
The segments, joining, in order the midpoints of consecutive sides of a quadrilateral form a parallelogram.
Answered by Penny Nom.
When will Scott and Jill have earned the same amount? 2016-02-04
From kalia:
Scott starts with $10 and earns $5 and hour. Jill starts with $40 and earns $3 and hour. when will the two have the same amount of money in the same hours?
Answered by Penny Nom.
The height of a triangle 2016-02-03
From Brooklyn:
How do I figure out the height of a triangle when it only tells me the base of he triangle? And vice versa.
Answered by Penny Nom.
A two car competition 2016-02-02
From Christian:
Question: Two cars are racing to a fixed point and back. One car travels 70 MPH both ways While the other travels 60 MPH there and 80 MPH back, which car won the race? It is not a tie.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Division base 5 2016-02-01
From Jenalee:
I am having problems with a dividing bases question. I reviewed two that I could find in the database and tried the question as shown but I am still getting the wrong answer.

My question is 32\24043 to the base of 5 for both.

Answered by Penny Nom.
Golf for 6 - 2 three balls 2016-02-01
From Andy:
We are shortly having a golf holiday in Phoenix. There are 6 people playing 6 rounds, so we will play in 2 three balls. Is there a combination of pairings that ensures everyone plays with each other the same number of times. Many thanks for your help ! Andy
Answered by Victoria West.
Which term of the series 2+7+12+...is 152? 2016-02-01
From francis:
whice term of the series 2+7+12+...is 152?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Simplify 2016-02-01
From Sabira:
Simplify step by step
5x/8 + 7y/18 = 6

Answered by Penny Nom.



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