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What is the index of the term '119' in the sequence 2, 5, 8, 11? 2007-02-16
From joey:
What is the index of the term '119' in the sequence 2, 5, 8, 11?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Four number combinations 2007-02-16
From Joe:
I have an uncle who plays the Massachusetts daily lottery. It a 4 number lottery. He wanted to know how many different 4 number combinations could he make using these 12 separate numbers.

3 7 4 0 6 9 1 3 7 3 9 8

Answered by Penny Nom.
*** x ** = **** 2007-02-16
From Dani:
Use the numbers 1-9 only once to make the following: A three digit number times a two digit number that gives a four digit number. That is *** x ** = **** (the numbers 1-9 can only be used once for each star). I came up with the answer 138 x 42 = 5796 but I want to know whether this is the only solution and if not, is there a formula to come up with the answer. Thanks! I appreciate your help!
Answered by Chris Fisher and Claude Tardif.
Three distinct prime factors 2007-02-15
From nick:
what is the smallest natural number that has three distinct prime factors in its factorization
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
A concrete foundation 2007-02-15
From Jeremy:
BiltWEll Construction needs to create a concrete foundation. 5ft deep measuring 60ft by 32ft, outside dimensions, with walls 7in. How many cubic yards of concrete will they need?
Answered by Penny Nom.
A gymnast is swinging on a high bar. 2007-02-14
From William:
A gymnast is swinging on a high bar. The distance between his waist (center of mass) and the bar is 1.1 m. If his speed at the top of his swing is zero and his gain in speed is due entirely to his change in gravitational potential energy, find his speed at the bottom of his swing.
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
What is 40% of 936? 2007-02-14
From naheem:
what is 40% of 936
Answered by Sara Ulmer.
Factoring polynomials 2007-02-14
From Joe:
I am in the eighth grade, and we are learning the equivalent of Algebra 2. I have no ides how to factor (x-2)(x^2-1)-6x-6 You help is most aprreciated. Thank you! Joe
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
The volume of a prism 2007-02-14
From jasmine:
What is the formula to find the volume of a triangular prism
Answered by Penny Nom.
Things that are shaped like a parabola 2007-02-14
From carra:
i can't find other examples of things that are shaped like a parabola except for bridges.............. Pls. help it is due tomorrow. thank you very much:)
Answered by Steve La Rocque, Penny Nom and Walter Whiteley.
Centimeters to cubic meters and grams to kilograms 2007-02-14
From Colleen:
A box of balls measures 120cm by 20cm by 20cm and weighs 48 g.
One thousand boxes = x cubic meters and weighs x kilograms.
Also, one million boxes = x cubic metes and weighs x kilograms.
One billion boxes = x cubic meters and weighs x kilograms. Solve for x.

Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
What constitutes a face for a geometric solid? 2007-02-14
From Erica:
What constitutes a face for a geometric solid? We have been getting conflicting answers from different textbooks. Some teachers are saying that cylinders and cones do not have faces. I'm thinking that cylinders have 2 and cones have 1. Please enlighten me. Thanks!
Answered by Walter Whiteley.
Cost per square foot 2007-02-14
From llinden:
how do you figure out the cost of square footage? the amount per sq ft is $28 Thank you
Answered by Gabriel Potter.
A gallon of water 2007-02-14
From Ashley:
Is four 20 oz bottles of water a gallon? How many
Answered by Gabriel Potter.
Cubic inches 2007-02-13
From Renee:
a glass has a height of 3 inches and a radius of 2 inches. about how many cubic inches of fwater will the glass hold? and how do you figure the answer? thank you...................renee
Answered by Gabriel Potter and Melanie Tyrer.



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