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An octagonal room 2006-10-18
From Rick:
I am a cabinetmaker, and I have a client who has an octagonal room which he would like to be used as a walk-in closet. Each side of the octagon is 60" in length. Each wall section is to have a 24" deep cabinet installed on it. I am trying to figure out the width of each cabinet allowing for a 3" space between cabinets at the front corner.
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Putting things in exponent form 2006-10-18
From Sheila:
Write in exponential form 2 sq. root a with an exponent 5.
I do not understand on how to do it.

Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
A dome with a square base 2006-10-17
From Danielle:
I need to know how to calculate the area of a dome that has a square base. In order to insulate the room I need to find the area of it but I am not sure how to do so because there is no formula for domes with square bases. Basically, the floor has 4 corners but the ceiling is dome shaped starting directly from the floor.
Answered by Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom.
The greatest common factor 2006-10-17
From Myrna:
What is the greatest common factor of 49,164 and 80,860
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Lattice multiplication 2006-10-16
From Patti:
I am a parent of a 5 th grader, and am a bit loss in the "new" math. I know how to multiply using the "old fashion" method. But, could you please explain lattice multiplication.
Answered by Diane Hanson.
A trillion seconds? 2006-10-16
From A student:
How many years, days, hours, minutes, and seconds in a trillion seconds?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Percentage increase 2006-10-15
From Amanpreet:
in yr 7, bill was 1.28 m tall, in yr 9 he was 1.67m tall. calculate his percentage increase in height
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
(2324/4)-525+214 2006-10-15
From Sherin:
Answered by Penny Nom.
How can we explain to middle school students that 0^0=1? 2006-10-15
From Peter:
How can we explain to middle school students that 0^0=1?
Answered by Steve La Rocque, Penny Nom, Claude Tardif and Harley Weston.
How do you find the length and width of a rectangle if you know ... 2006-10-15
From Anne:
How do you find the length and width of a rectangle if you know the perimeter of the rectangle is 48 m and the area is 144 m squared?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom.
Finding the legth of a guy wire 2006-10-15
From Aubrey:
a radio tower 500 feet high is located on the side of a hill with an inclination to the horizontal of 5 degrees. how long should two guy wires be if they are to connect to the top of the tower and be secured at two points 100 feet directly above and directly below the base of the tower?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
How do you solve for variables in the denominator? 2006-10-15
From Donna:
How do you solve for variables in the denominator?

178 = 17/R
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.

how many ounces are in 750 cc's. 2006-10-14
From Not a teacher:
how many ounces are in 750 cc's.
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
A matrix equation 2006-10-14
From Ngozi:
If I have AB = C, where A and C are both 1x6 matrixes and B is a 6x6 matrix, how can I solve for B by dividing C over A?
Answered by Chris Fisher.
How many feet tall is the tunnel 2006-10-14
From Charles:
A tunnel in the Smoky Mountains is semicircular. At a distance of 12 feet from the center of the tunnel, the tunnel has a height of 16 feet. How many feet tall is the tunnel at its center?
Answered by Penny Nom.



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