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The Euclidean Algorithm 2002-01-31
From Murray:
Can you please explain to me why the euclidean algorithm works?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Baseball and sit ups 2002-01-31
From A student:
A baseball team won 8 more games than it lost. If it played 56 games, how many games did it win?

On the first day of practice, Paul did 3 sit ups. On the second day he did 5, and on the the third day he did 8, and on the fourth day he did 12. If this pattern continued, how many sit-ups did ihe do on the sixth day of practice?

Answered by Penny Nom.
The size of a lot 2002-01-26
From Claudia:
I own a piece of property that I need to know the square feet for assessment purposes. The figure they came up with is wrong. They measured from one point to another and halved the sums but that means I own the cul de sac and we don't. My lot is 55 feet wide and one side is 108.96 feet and the other side is 146.04 that extends all the way to a circle. The front of the lot on the cul de sac is stated on the survey like this. 78.21 feet where R=40 feet. This large arc is taken off the size of our land. How many square feet is our lot.
Answered by Harley Weston.
Logico mathematical knowledge 2002-01-23
From A teacher:
How does young children's logico mathematical knowledge develop?
Answered by Walter Whitely.
Adding algebraic fractions 2002-01-23
From Francine:

Hello, I've come up with an answer for the following problem but it's not the same as the book's answer. However, the book has a lot of mistakes in it and I don't know if I'm doing it properly or not. Your help would be soooo appreciated. It's driving me crazy.The problem is:

  2             + 3          + 4 
---------  +  ---------  +  ---------- 
(x-1)^3        (x-1)^2       (x-1) 

[(x-1)^3 is (x-1) to power of 3 etc.]

Answered by Penny Nom.
Some trig problems 2002-01-22
From Grant:

Solve each problem for theta(there is no sign on my computer)for 0 is less than or equal to theta which is less less than 360

  1. 2cosx-1=0
    Anwser 60,300

  2. tanx-2sinxtanx=0
    tanx(-2sin+1)=0 (factor ?)
    tanx=0 and sin= 1/2 (solve from there?)

  3. 2sinx-cscx=0

  4. 4cos(2x)+2cosx= -1
    10cosx= -1/10 (?)

  5. cos(2x-30)=1/2
    i don`t know what to do know

  6. Sinx+cosx=0
    Square both sides?

Answered by Claude Tardif.
Miles and kilometers 2002-01-22
From Dennis:
I'm in the middle of purchasng a vehicle and it was built in Canada. Therefore it is in kilometers and not in miles. I forgot how many kilometers are in a mile. It registers as 183,049 kilometers.
Answered by Penny Nom and Judi McDonald.
Normal distribution 2002-01-21
From Danielle:
A teacher gave a test on which the students' marks were normally distributed, but the results were pathetic. The mean was 52% and the standart deviation was 12%. The teacher decided that the top 10% of the students should get A's, the next 20% should get B's, the next 40% should get C's, the next 20% should get D's, and the bottom 10% should get F's. To the nearest percent, what are the cutoff marks that will result in an A, B, C, D, and F?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Successive differences 2002-01-20
From Linsey:
what is the rule for working out the formula for a sequence with three lines of difference? eg.
                     1, 3, 7, 15, 29 
1st line differences:  2, 4, 8, 14 
2nd line differences:    2, 4, 6 
3rd line differences:     2, 2 

Answered by Penny Nom.
Rolling 5 sevens before rolling a six or an eight 2002-01-20
From Tony:
When rolling 2 dice, what is the probability of rolling 5 sevens before rolling a six or an eight?
Answered by Andrei Volodin and Penny Nom.
The distance across a circle 2002-01-18
From Douglas:
If you know how far around a circle is (say earth) 25000 miles how do you calculate the distance across?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Making 24 2002-01-17
From Renee:
My 4th grade daughter and I need to find a simple math sentence using 5, 5, 3, & 7 to equal 24. You can add, subtract, divide or multiple.
Answered by Penny Nom.
A sale on eggs 2002-01-17
From A student:
A store had a sale on eggs, selling 13 eggs for the usual price of a dozen eggs. As a result, the price of the eggs was reduced by 4 cents a dozen. What is the original price for a dozen eggs?
Answered by Penny Nom.
My salary is doubled everyday for 30 days 2002-01-17
From Kanishk:
I recieve 1 penny the 1st day, 2 pennies the 2nd day, and my salary is doubled everyday for 30 days. How much money will I have by the end of the 30 day time period? (Is there a way of solving this problem without a chart?)
Answered by Penny Nom.
A sequence 2002-01-16
From Chris:
I have spent two days trying to determine the pattern to the following set of numbers: 1,4,9,1,6,2,5,3,6,4,9,6,4,8,1,____. I need the next four numbers to the sequence.
Answered by Claude Tardif.



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