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14 items are filed under this topic.
Two cones formed from two circular sectors 2018-11-30
The central angles of two sector of a circle are 60° and 120° . Using these sectors two cones are made. If the radius of the smaller cone is 5 cm, find the radius and base area of the larger cone.
Answered by Penny Nom.
A circle is divided into three sectors 2014-04-17
From atolagbe:
the area of a circle is 154cm square. it is divided into three sectors such that two of the sectors are equal in size and the third sector is three times the size of the other two put together. calculate the perimeter of the third sector. take pi=22/7?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Two sectors of a circle 2012-02-03
From Wayne:
I am not even sure what to ask. I have to two lengths of feet and an angle of degrees, and I have to find the area?
**Problem attached


Answered by Penny Nom.
Proving a quadrilateral is a rhombus 2007-12-03
From Jeanie:
How do you prove that a quadrilateral is a rhombus because the diagonals of the quadrilateral are perpendicular and bisect each other using the 2-column proof method?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Sectors of a circle 2006-11-30
From Maithreyi :
A circle of diameter 21m is divided into three sectors with central angles 60degree,120degree and 180degree. Find the area of each sector?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Overlapping area of two circles 2006-04-15
From Jade:
Given two identical circles where the radius (6 units) is the distance between the centers, what is the area of the overlapping region?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Sectors and arcs 2006-01-25
From Wael:
How is the area of an arc (alpha*pi*r squared/360) derived?
How is the length of an arc (alpha*pi*r/180) derived?

Answered by Penny Nom.
Two overlapping circles 2005-03-20
From Safi:
I have a problem to calculate the area of two overlapping circles because two circles are overlap then how i calculate the overlap area to subtract from the area of both circle.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Irrigation and a sector of a circle 2004-12-23
From Chuck:
A friend of mine is a farmer and uses Pivots to irrigate portions of his land. The crop rows are in straight lines that all form chords of a large circle. The intent is to determine area between any two "boundary" rows expressed in acres.
Answered by Harley Weston.
Collinear Points 2003-01-13
From Gary:

Which of the 4 points are collinear when you construct the following concurrent lines or rays of a triangle?

  1. P(1), the point where the angle bisectors intersect.
  2. P(2), the point where the altitudes (or extensions) intersect (inside or outside of the triangle).
  3. P(3), the point where the medians intersect.
  4. P(4), the point where the perpendicular bisectors (or extensions) of the three sides of a triangle intersect.

This is for my 9-12 high school class in geometry.
My name is Gary

Thanks for your help.

Answered by Harley Weston and Chris Fisher.
Applied geometry 2001-11-02
From Jenny:
Where can I find some hands-on activities for my Applied Geometry classes? I want to do more activities with them that allow us to get out of the classroom. However, I want to use activities that use only inexpensive equipment because I usually buy the equipment myself.
Answered by Walter Whiteley.
Concurrent Lines in a Triangle 1998-08-10
From Chris Woolf:
The question is Name four types of concurrent lines, rays, or segments that are associated with triangles.
Answered by Chris Fisher.
Area Between Two Sectors 1997-03-02
From Rebecca Henry:
Points A,B,C,D,E,F are equally spaced on a unit circle. Arc CGE has a center A. Find the number of square units of area in the shaded region.
Answered by Walter Whiteley.
Common Area of two sectors. 1996-11-06
From Lynda Mow:
How do I find the area common to two intersecting circles of radii 8 ft and 10 ft if their common chord is 10 ft long?
Answered by Penny Nom.



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