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Miles per hour 2002-11-28
From Liz:
If a car has traveled 16 miles in 30 minutes, how many miles per hour did they go?
Answered by Penny Nom.
The length of an arc 2002-11-27
From Nancy:
If all I have is the length between 2 ends of an arc (72"), how do I find the length of the arc at its apex and the radius?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Combinations of 1,2,3,...,10 2002-11-27
From Gord:
If I had the numbers from 1-10 how many different combinations would i have.....would it be 100....since that is 10 squared.
Answered by Penny Nom.
[x*(x+2)] + 1 = (x+1)(x+1) 2002-11-27
From Melissa:
While teaching the multiplication table to my daughter I noticed an interesting pattern. It goes something like ...Take a whole number
...add two to it
...multiply the two numbers together
...add one to the resulting number
...it will now be equal to the original number plus one, squared.

Answered by Claude Tardif.
Making 7 2002-11-26
From Bill:
At one time I had the answer to this math equation but I have lost it and can't seem to regain it. I may be going at it wrong but as I recall there were the numbers 1 through 4, and the std operators, +, -, /, *, and parentheses. The object was to make the four numbers with the operators equal to 7. Each number and operator may be used only once. My 9 year old loves these quizzes but I can't give it to her if I can't provide the correct answer.
Answered by Claude Tardif.
A two stage rocket 2002-11-26
From Hoda:
a two stage rocket accelerates in free space by ejecting fuel at a constant relative speed , v(ex). the full fuel load makes up 80% of the initial mass of the entire two stage rocket . the rocket accelerates from rest until at the end of the first stage when 75% of its fuel has been burnt. find an expression for the speed of the rocket at the end of the first stage in terms of v(ex).
Answered by Claude Tardif.
A lampshade from a cone 2002-11-26
From Ellsie:
I need to make a pattern to cover an old lampshade. This is actually the bottom portion of a cone. Please help me figure out how to draw this pattern, so that we can complete our project.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Un exposant negatif 2002-11-25
From Vinny:
Moi je n'ai aucune idée de ce que vaut un exposant negatif com 3^(-5) ou encore 3^(-4/3)

de meme pour un exposant rationnel 3^(4/3)

Answered by Claude Tardif.
Decimals in everyday life 2002-11-24
From Fritz:
How do you use decimals in your every day life?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Factor completely 2002-11-21
From Shelley:
these two questions are to be factored completely but i have no idea how to factor them
  1. (x-4y) 2 - 3(x-4y) - 4
  2. x 6 + y 6

Answered by Penny Nom.
Filling A swimming pool 2002-11-21
From Sarah:
A swimming pool is being filled by three pumps. Alone pump A would take 6 hours, pump B would take 3 hours, and pump C would take 3 hours. If all three pumps are used to fill the pool, what fraction of the process is pump A.
Answered by Penny Nom.
The volume of a juice jug 2002-11-21
From Edward:
I try to find the measurement for a juice jug. I have the height of the jug and need the jug to hold 2.5 Liter of juice. Can you help me out with the formula.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Performance reviews 2002-11-21
From Lara:
Perhaps you can help.

He's doing performance reviews at work.

The average performance review is 3.92 on a 5.0 scale. This person would receive a 3.5% raise for next year.

The highest performance review is 4.9 and this person would recieve a 6.0% raise for next year.

How do I solve for the other performance review numbers.

Answered by Penny Nom.
What percent is the same as three eighths? 2002-11-21
From Katelin:
What is the percent of three eight's?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Composites, primes, factors and common factors 2002-11-20
From Connie:
My son can't remember what a composite number is, what a prime number is and the explaination of factors and common factors. Help!
Answered by Penny Nom.



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