37 items are filed under this topic.
sec(pi/12) |
2022-03-23 |
From Diana: Please help me find the exact value of the following trigonometric expression:
sec(pi/12). Thanks! Answered by Harley Weston. |
UFO speed in MPH from nearest galaxy in one year |
2021-05-22 |
From Joe: If the next closest galaxy is 15 quadrillion miles away and there are 8760 hours
in one year; how fast would a UFO have to fly to travel from the next
galaxy, in MPH in one year ?
Google calculator gives this result: 1.7123288e+12
I don't understand what the "e+12" means.
How is that pronounced, ex. trillion, quadrillion etc..?
Answered by Harley. |
A triangle made from 12 matchsticks |
2019-01-20 |
From Palesa: How many different types of triangles can be made with a perimeter of 12 matches? Answered by Penny Nom. |
Golf schedule for 12 players over 8 days |
2018-09-03 |
From William: We have a golf trip with 12 golfers
we are playing 8 rounds together......we want to mix the group up at best possible w/o too much overlap.......
thoughts? the math is way over my head...
even if we play the first 6 rounds with different partners, then the last 2 can be repeats ...or whatever the math works out Answered by Penny Nom. |
A schedule for 12 high school golf teams |
2015-11-15 |
From Jason: I have 12 high school golf teams (A - L). There will be 4 games each week for 4 weeks. For each game, 3 teams play at a time (A vs B vs C). I would like it where no team plays the same team twice. Week four is my issue as I seem to always have a team or two playing the same team again. Is it possible to have each team play each other only once? Answered by Victoria West. |
Golf for 12 with a proviso |
2015-07-07 |
From Ken: I hope you can help me. I'm trying to put together a draw for 12 players in 3 groups over 4 days. One proviso, 2 players must play together in each round because they require the use of a golf cart. We are due to play in September this year.
Thanking you in advance for any assistance you can give. Answered by Victoria West. |
Scheduling 12 for lunch |
2015-01-05 |
From Sabrina: I have 12 staff members that need to have lunch together 1 time each week. I am trying to pair them in a way that we each have the same amount of lunches in the same amount of weeks. Please Help! Thanks! Answered by Victoria West. |
4 rounds of golf as three foursomes |
2014-08-18 |
From Christopher: For our golf trip, we will be playing 4 rounds of golf as three foursomes. We would like to have each person play with everyone at least once. Is this possible? Answered by Victoria West. |
12 golfers |
2014-06-23 |
From Derek: I have a golf group that is set up as follows.12 players broken into 2 teams of 6.We play as a 4 ball ie 2 from each group.I am looking for a formular to have the 2 players from each group not play with each other again & also both of the 2 in each group not play with others in the other group more than once.I don't believe it is possible,so will accept as little duplication as possible-many thanks-Derek Answered by Victoria West. |
2 teams of six playing each other 4 times |
2014-05-01 |
From Steve: I have 2 teams of six (Team A & B)- playing each other 4 times.
Is it possible to have a player from Team A play with a different partner from Team A for each of the 4 rounds,
and likewise for Team B.
Whilst no player from either team plays an opponent more than twice during the 4 rounds? Answered by Victoria West. |
Golf League Schedule for 15 weeks and three flights |
2014-04-21 |
From bigdog: I need help setting up a 12 team (3 flights with 3 teams in each flight) 15 week league play schedule. Each team must play teams in there perspective flight twice during the 15 week season. Answered by Victoria West. |
12 golfers, 6 rounds |
2014-03-27 |
From Bill: I have a group of 12 golfers playing 6 rounds of golf. I am
looking for a pairings schedule that allows each golfer to play
at least one round in a foursome with each of the other eleven
Can you provide me with a solution? Answered by Victoria West. |
12 golfers, 24 weeks |
2014-03-27 |
From George: I have 12 golfers and want to set up a season schedule that will avoid duplication of playing partners as much as possible. The saeson is 24 weeks long. Do you have a formula? Answered by Victoria West. |
A schedule for 6 teams over 12 weeks |
2014-03-09 |
From Paul: So I have a question. I noticed you came up with ways to create schedules and we are having a really hard time making our lineup correctly. Basically we have 6 teams that will play over a 12 week period every Monday night. The time slots are 1 hr each playing at 6, 7 and 8. We would like each team to play 3 games at each time slot over the 12 weeks. Is this something that can actually be accomplished?
Thanks so much for your help! Answered by Eric Venables. |
A golf tournament for 12 people |
2013-08-01 |
From Brad: I've looked all over the web for a solution to this (including searching the archives here) to no avail.
We're doing a golf tournament with twelve people. Each person has a "handicap" that demonstrates their skill level. We have these numbers for each of the 12 players. We are trying to figure out how to schedule two rounds of golf with the most balance possible.
- We are playing two "real" rounds of golf (18 holes). There are four people per group.
- We want to split each round into two 9 hole games, which gives us a total of 4 games
- Halfway through (after 9 holes), you switch partners within the foursome that you're playing in.
- We want everyone to play with 4 unique different teammates
So say you start the first 18 hole round as a group of Players 1, 2, 3, and 4. Players 1 and 2 are a team, and players 3 and 4 are a team. After 9 holes, Player 1 would either be paired up with Player 3 or 4, and the other two players would pair up as well. Then the next day we will mix up the foursomes and do the same thing.
In terms of just pure scheduling this is simple. But I'm trying to figure out how to best balance the handicaps (simple average of each team's two handicaps works here). Assuming I'll need some sort of program or spreadsheet.
Any help or even a push in the right direction would be a tremendous help. Thanks in advance to anyone who wants to give this a shot. Answered by Victoria West. |
Golf for 12 |
2012-09-10 |
From John: To have 12 players in groups of 4 playing in 4 games with different people each day Answered by Victoria West. |
12 golfers, 4 rounds |
2012-08-29 |
From Paul: We have 12 golfers who will play four rounds of golf - how can we organize the foursomes so that each player has the most exposure to the other 11 players? Answered by Victoria West. |
Golf for 12 |
2012-04-20 |
From glenn: need to schedule 12 players for a 20 week season Answered by Victoria West. |
Golf for 12 |
2012-04-20 |
From Bram: We are heading on a golf trip with 12 guys, playing 6 rounds. Can you please provide the formula whcih which have the least duplication.
Thanks in advance,
Bram Answered by Victoria West. |
Golf for 12 |
2012-04-18 |
From Brent: I have a golf group that is set up as follows: 12 players, broken into
2 teams of 6. I am looking for a formula to have one player from team A
play against one player for team B each round, not repeat the match, and
ride with as little duplication as possible. I know that it is not statistically
possible with these numbers and will have at least one round that has
duplication. Answered by Robert Dawson. |
Golf for 12 |
2011-07-07 |
From Jim: I have a golf trip scheduled with a total of 12 guys. We are playing
three rounds of golf. For round 1 Players A B C D must play together.
Is there a formula that would allow me to set up the other 8 foursomes
with no repeats or minimal repeats?
Thanks. Answered by Victoria West. |
12 coins |
2010-07-07 |
From Eden: We have 12 coins same in size and shape and also weight.
But among these, one coin which has same size and shape, but not in weight
and we can't know that this coin was lighter or heavier.
We must decide which coin was lighter or heavier among these 12 coins in
4 times of weighting with scale. Answered by Stephen La Rocque and Tyler Wood. |
A golf league with 12 players |
2009-07-17 |
From Jane: My weekly golf league has 12 players in 4 threesomes.
How many weeks would it take to play everyone once and not have too many
duplications? What would be the schedule each week?
Thanks Answered by Victoria West. |
Twelve golfers |
2009-06-26 |
From Fred: Hello-
There are twelve golfers in 3 foursomes for three days. Is there a
combination of four man foursomes that allow for no duplicates? In
other words, is there a formula to insure the greatest amount of
variety in the foursomes. Looking at it math like you have
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 grouped into four numbers each for three
days. So if your have the first day 1,2,3,4 in one group, 5,6,7,8 in
the second and 9,10,11,12 in the third what can you do for the next
two days to have the fewest duplicates or have the greatest variety
in the foursomes?
Thanks Answered by Karen Meagher and Victoria West. |
0123456789 |
2009-03-25 |
From Dr.: Many years ago I discovered that there are 33 numbers which,
when multiplied by 0123456789, simply rearrange the digits. Surprisingly
(to me at least) is the fact that the digits of all of those 33 numbers add up
to one of the 6 "cardinal" numbers 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, and 8. For example
6 + 2 = 8 and 62 X 0123456789 = 7654320918 etc.
Another interesting (to me) fact is that only the cardinal numbers
1, 2, 4, 5, 7, and 8 rearrange the digits in the number 9876543210.
My question is: "Is this known to anyone but me and the people I have
told?" Answered by Robert Dawson. |
12 golfers |
2009-02-04 |
From david: 12 golfers playing in 3 four balls over five rounds. can everyone play with
everyone else at least once. Answered by Victoria West. |
A 28 week golf schedule |
2009-01-17 |
From Don: You have a 12 man golf schedule playing 8 weeks. Can you
go further and make it a 28 week schedule. 3 foursomes. any help would be greatly appreciated. Answered by Victoria West. |
A golf tournament |
2008-06-24 |
From Roland: We have a golf tournament, 12 players, three rounds. We want to pair so that we have pairings with as few duplications as possible. Answered by Janice Cotcher. |
An odd number with 12 factors |
2007-06-27 |
From Wilson: Do you know of any odd number that has 12 factors? Reply back today.
Because I have hand in a project tomorrow. Answered by Stephen La Rocque and Harley Weston. |
Golf schedule |
2007-03-30 |
From Jim: I am organising a golf break for 12 golfers playing in 3 fourballs over 5 days. I would like to maximise the number of different golfers each player can play with. Any help would br greatly appreciated. Answered by Penny Nom. |
Golfing with 8 or 12 |
2006-02-13 |
From Carolyn: I have a couple of questions that my dad asked me and I do not think it can be done in the manner he wants it to come out to.
He is going on a golf trip in June. There are going to be either 8 or 12 players playing 4 rounds of golf.
The questions that he says will not work and I do not know how to figure it out either is
4 Rounds of golf is for sure. 18 hole Rounds each
4 Players to a group
Either 8 or 12 players can every player play with every player in a group at least once during those 4 rounds.
If this can be done can you give me the combinations for both 8 and 12 , so I can help out my dad. Along with how you you figure this out. Answered by Penny Nom. |
Golfing with Norm |
2004-08-19 |
From Norm: I am organizing a golf tournament with 6 American and 6 Canadian players. We play 3 rounds of golf. Is there any way to arrange that everyone plays without playing with the same person twice. Each foursome must consist of 2 Americans and 2 Canadians with one of each in a cart. Your help would be much appreciated. Answered by Claude Tardif. |
A golf tournament |
2003-08-23 |
From Dale: I am running a golf tournament with twelve golfers. We will be playing four rounds of golf. I don't want to schedule the same two players together more than twice (if possible). How would I make a schedule that each player would play at least once with every other player? I would appreciate any help that you can give me. Answered by Denis Hanson. |
8 squares from 12 sticks |
2002-10-08 |
From A student: If you have 12 sticks the same size, how do you make them into 8 squares? Answered by Claude Tardif. |
Scheduling a golf vacation |
2000-12-05 |
From Michael: I'm having a problem scheduling matches for a golf vacation. We have 12 people playing 7 rounds of golf in 7 days. We play 2 man teams vs. 2 man teams everyday.Is there a formula so that you play WITH a different partner everyday and AGAINST as many different people as possible? Thank You for any help you may be. Answered by Penny Nom. |
1234567890 |
2000-09-14 |
From Bradley Kloetzly: Can you find two whole numbers, with the smallest possible difference between them, which when multipled together equal: 1234567890? Answered by Harley Weston. |
Golf problem |
1998-08-25 |
From Bob: Twelve golfers plan to play seven rounds of golf. Each would like to play as many rounds with different golfers as possible. What are the optimum combinations to accomplish that goal? Answered by Denis Hanson. |