30 items are filed under this topic.
Percentages |
2019-03-30 |
From Mari: I am trying to find out what percentage of our worlds population does the youtuber
Pewdiepie have for subscribers? So he has 91 million subscribers and there are roughly
7.53 Billion people in the world. So what percent of our worlds population does Pewdiepie
have for subscribers? Am I asking this correctly? I am just curious for marketing reasons
and how much of the worlds market share does Pewdiepie have for his youtube
channel? I just do not know how to set up the problem to find the answer? Answered by Penny Nom. |
A dice game |
2019-03-17 |
From Remo: So, little game my kid came up with.
Dice are standard d6.
I roll a die, he rolls a die. If he gets the same number as me OR a bigger number he wins.
So far so good. Used the opportunity to get him to calculate the probabilities of him winning, see if I could get him interested into looking at this game from a more academic perspective. He did fine.
Then we upped the ante.
He rolls one die, I roll two dice. I his die has a number that is equal or greater than both of mine, he wins.
We had a bit of trouble solving that one, and had to resort to a table with all the results ( 6x36) to figure out where we stood.
Then again we upped.
He rolls two dice, I roll two dice.
If any one of his dice has a number equal to or greater than both of mine he wins. I only win if one of my dice is greater than both of his.
And we got stuck. Figured I would need to find a formula to resolve this one, as our earlier solution ( table everything ) suddenly is 36x36, giving well over a thousand possible results. And if we ever go bigger than that then we *really* are going to need another way to calculate it. Answered by Harley Weston. |
Gradient |
2014-02-21 |
From Nancy: calculate the gradient of the line AB when the line AB is passing through the points A (2,1,) and B ( 4, -3).) Answered by Penny Nom. |
One in twenty as a percentage |
2010-04-27 |
From jim: Please advise how I work out a gradient of say 1-20 one in twenty as a percentage % Answered by Penny Nom. |
A single die is rolled twice |
2009-11-03 |
From Michelle: A single die is rolled twice. Find the probability of getting two numbers whose sum exceeds 5.
I can't seem to come up with any of these answers, Help. A. 0.72 B. 0.89 C. 0.68 D. 0.58 Answered by Penny Nom. |
Toss a coin and roll a die |
2009-09-21 |
From Celeste: Can you please tell me how to set up this problem to find the answer. I know they are independent from there I don't know.
a coin and a regular six-sided die are tossed together once. What is the probability that the coin shows a head or the die has a 5 on the upward face? Answered by Penny Nom. |
A slopped table top |
2009-03-16 |
From anthony: A perfect circle with radius 100m is supported by four legs, 50m long. The circle is flat when all four legs are 50m long, and tilted when the legs are different in length. The four legs are spread evenly 90 degrees apart at 0, 90, 180, and 270. Find the high and low points in degree and height when the legs are 55m at 0 degree, 70m at 90 degree, 45m at 180 degree, and 30m at 270 degree.
Not sure if they can be calculated using only 2 or 3 legs.
I have tried by picking the two adjacent highest legs (55m and 70m) so I know the high point falls into the first quadrant. Then I tried using ratio to determine where the high point is, which I think high point should be closer to the 70m leg, I am not sure. If I can find the high point, the low point should be opposite to it. Answered by Chris Fisher and Harley Weston. |
A die is loaded so that... |
2009-01-30 |
From Larry: Hi. I'm having trouble solving this problem. Would you be kind enough to point me in the right direction?
A die is loaded so that the probability of a particular face rolling up is proportional to the number of dots
on the face. In other words, getting a six is three times as probable as getting a two. what is the probability
of getting an even number in one toss? Answered by Victoria West. |
A spill of oil on a flat surface |
2008-12-19 |
From Phillip: Hello, my question is: If I spilled 25 gallons of diesel fuel on a flat surface how much area would the spill cover?
How would I mathematically figure it out?
Thanks! Answered by Robert Dawson and Harley Weston. |
The amount of diesel fuel in a tank |
2008-10-26 |
From Mike: I have an cylinder shaped oil tank that holds approx. 283 gals of diesel fuel. The tank is laying on on its side, (like taking a garbage can and laying it down on its side). What is the formula to calculate how much oil is in the tank at any given time. If the tank was sitting on end it would be easy to figure out, but it is not. Answered by Stephen La Rocque. |
Rolling a die repeatedly (you can't just add percentages) |
2007-10-04 |
From Howard: If my son has a 16.66% chance of rolling a particular number on a dice,
and he rolls for it 6 times, he knows (from experience) that his
odds of getting at least 1 right are not 100% (16.66% +16.66%+16.66% etc).
He asked me if there was an equation that would give him the correct
percentage chance of success when trying X times for a Y% chance
of something. Answered by Victoria West. |
livinia the housefly finds herself caught in the oven |
2006-06-27 |
From Danielle:
livinia the housefly finds herself caught in the oven at the point (0,0,1). the temperature at the points in the oven is given by the function
T(x,y,z) = 10 (xe(-y2) + ze(-x2))
where the units are in degrees celsius.
(i.)so if livinia begins to move towards the point (2,3,1) at what rate in deg/cm does she find the temp. changing?
(ii.)in what direction should she move in order to cool off as rapidly as possible?
(iii.)suppose that livinia can fly at a speed of the square root of 2 (cm/sec.) if she moves in the direction of part (ii) at what rate will she find the temp. to be changing?
Answered by Penny Nom. |
A probability question which resulted from a game of Yahtzee |
2005-12-31 |
From Robert: Could someone please assist me with this probability question which resulted from a game of Yahtzee we were playing in Melbourne, Australia on our holidays.
The object on this turn was to throw a “large straight” which is 5 numbers in sequence from 5 dice numbered 1 – 6. A player initially throws all 5 dice and then selects those dice they want to throw again for a further two more times. In this instance the player on their first throw, threw a 1,2,3,4 and 6.
Question:- What is the respective probabilities of gaining a straight if they were to –
a) put back say the 6 and try and throw a 5 on the two further throws or…..
b) put back the 1 and 6 and try and throw a 1 and 5 or 5 and 6 on the two further throws bearing in mind that if one of the numbers was a 5 on the second throw they could hold that number and try for a 1 or 6 on the third throw.
I would be most appreciative if someone could assist in showing me how to calculate the probabilities particularly in the second instance (b). Answered by Penny Nom. |
Four 25-sided dice |
2005-11-24 |
From dan: Simply put, I am curious to find the likelyhood of each possibility (4-100) if I were to roll 4 25-sided die. It seems to start off simply, as 1, 4, 10, 20...following the inside diagonal of Pascal's triangle. But as soon as i reach the point where the sum is greater than the number of sides, Pascal's no longer seems to work. I would be greatly appreciated if I could be informed of the proper formula to find this answer, or perhaps if my theory of doing it is wrong. Answered by Andrei Volodin and Shaun Fallat. |
Biodiesel |
2005-03-08 |
From William: My son is doing an demonstration for science class about how to make biodiesel. we are having problems with the conversion. for instance we think there are approx 190 liters in 50 gallons. Is this correct? Also if you needed 3.5 grams of lye per liter, would that be 662g of lye. Answered by Penny Nom. |
The gradiant of a hill is 9% |
2004-12-18 |
From Jim: The gradiant of a hill is 9%. What angle is created by the run/rise of the hill and 0 degrees? Answered by Penny Nom. |
Marching legion |
2004-04-24 |
From Art: A column of soldiers is 100 meters long. Their sargeant at the rear of the column gives the order to march. The sargeant marches alongside the column to its head and then back to the rear, at which point he gives the order to halt. In all, the column of soldiers has marched 100 meters. How far has the sargeant marched? I say 187.5 meters, but those who teach or who have taught mathematics tell me no. Some say much more and some different. What do you say? Answered by Penny Nom. |
Sasha's candies |
2003-02-18 |
From Pat: Tick-tac-toe
Sasha and Trudy are playing tick-tac-toe. Sasha agrees to give trudy two pieces of candy for each game Sasha loses, and Trudy agrees to give Sasha three pieces of candy for each game that Trudy loses. After playing thirty games, Sasha has the amount of candy that he started with. If no ties occurred, how many games did Sasha win? Answered by Paul Betts. |
A game of dice |
2002-05-13 |
From Mika: To play a game a dice is rolled to see who plays first. four players are going to play the game. what is the probability that at least two people roll the same number? ANSWER: P(least 2 people roll the same #)=number of player/total outcome P = 4!/4C2 = 24/4C2 = 4 the answer is 40% Answered by Andrei Volodin. |
A probability tree |
2002-05-04 |
From A student: Karl and Naomi roll three dice. Karl gives $10 to Naomi if the number 5 turns up once, twice or three times. Naomi gives Karl $3 in all other cases. A) construct the probability tree for this situation.
B) Does Karl have an advantage in this game? Justify your answer. My problem is I am unfamiliar on how to draw this probability tree and seem to be having a lot of difficulties, when you have a chance please answer this math problem and get back to me with the results. Answered by Penny Nom. |
Rolling two dice |
2001-09-10 |
From Owen: This probability question has been bugging me for a while. Two ordinary dice are rolled. If it is known that one shows a 5, what is the probability that they total 8? I have two different but (seemingly) correct solutions. Answered by Andrei Volodin. |
Mutually exclusive |
2001-06-05 |
From Marje: What does the mathmatical term "mutually exclusive" mean. Pleas diagram if possible. Answered by Penny Nom. |
Probabilities and dice. |
2001-05-04 |
From Carmen: Hi! My name is Carmen! I am a member of a grade 5 class in Edmonton, AB. We were talking about probability in math, and I was wanted to know what the probability (odds) of rolling two sixes would be rolling two dice? If it is not to diffucult could you tell me what the probability (odds) of rolling any number with two dice were? Answered by Andrei Volodin and Penny Nom. |
Expected value |
2001-04-24 |
From Cindy: A game consists of rolling a single fair die. If a number great than 4 is rolled you win the number of dollars showing on the die. If any other number is rolled, you receive $1.00. What is the expected value of this game? Answered by Andrei Volodin. |
Motivators |
2001-01-16 |
From Michelle Stapley: Do you know of any (or where I can find) student motivators for math at the secondary level? Basically any way I can motivate my students to WANT to learn math. Answered by Penny Nom. |
Three dice |
1998-11-17 |
From Ryan Allinson: Rolling three regular dice how many different ways could a sum of 10 be rolled? Hope you can help. Can you please show me how this is done? Answered by Penny Nom. |
Snake Eyes |
1998-07-20 |
Would you please advise me what the probability is of rolling snake eyes on a pair of dice is? My recollection is 1 out of 6 multiplied by 1 out of 6 = 1 out of 36 is this correct? Answered by Jack LeSage and Penny Nom. |
Rolling a seven |
1998-06-11 |
From Bruce Thompson: What is the probablity of rolling two dice and it coming out as seven? a) 1/6 b) 1/36 please give me the correct awnser and explain please. Answered by Harley Weston. |
Solides d’Archimède |
2014-04-29 |
From Clémentine: Pourquoi une pyramide a base carrée n'est elle pas un polyèdre archimedien ?
J'ai pourtant essayé d'en construire un avec tout ses cotés égaux et ça fonctionne !
Aidez moi je n'en dors plus la nuit ? :S Answered by Chris Fisher. |
Je voulais savoir d'où provient le signe # ?! |
2008-01-17 |
From Dimitri: Je voulais savoir d'où provient le signe # ?!
On l'appelle diez, sur les téléphones surtout, mais j'aimerai savoir plus précisément à quoi sert ce signe (autre que sur nos appareils) !
Et pourquoi, en anglais, s'il est placé avant un chiffre, on dit 'number' (par exemple #1, 'Number one').
Son origine m'interesse tout autant que son utilité ! Answered by Claude Tardif. |