19 items are filed under this topic.
A problem involving distance, time, and rate. |
2020-09-15 |
From Ruby: Amy drove on the highways at 70 miles/hour to pick up fruits from her grandma’s garden in the morning.
She stayed there for two hours. When coming back in the afternoon, she drove on the local roads at 40 miles per hour to avoid traffic.
She spent a total of 8 hours for this trip, and drove a total 300 miles.
How many miles did she drive each way? Answered by Penny Nom. |
Building a house in one year |
2020-04-22 |
From Fify: If it takes 8 men to build a house in 450 days. How many men would it take to build the house in 365 days? Is there a specific method to calculate this please? Answered by Penny Nom. |
The distance around a warehouse |
2016-09-21 |
From Chuck: How far do I walk when I walk around a 751,000 sq. ft. warehouse? Answered by Penny Nom. |
Four carpenters can build eight houses in 10 days. |
2011-11-23 |
From Kenneth: Four carpenters can build eight houses in 10 days.
Two carpenters can build how many houses in 15 days? Answered by Penny Nom. |
A scale drawing |
2011-10-30 |
From aretha: i have a scale drawing of a house floor plan, don't understand how
to find the answer. the drawing is 1in: 3ft. need to find the length /
width/and the actual length/width of the living room,kitchen, 3bedrooms
deck,sitting room, entry, and closet Answered by Penny Nom. |
A 14 side well house cover |
2010-03-12 |
From Kenneth: I am 35 yr I am wanting to build a well house cover. I'm trying to figure out how long the pieces need to be and what angle they need to be for a 4 ft dia with 14 side well house. I would love an answer but would also like to know how to figure it in the future. Thanks Kd Answered by Harley Weston. |
Two ships and a lighthouse |
2009-05-27 |
From Chelsey: I have a question in regards to how do I know when to use tangent or cosine when determining angles. The question is: Looking north from the observation deck of a lighthouse 60 m above the sea, a lighthouse keeper sees two ships. The angles of depression to the ships is 5 degrees and 10 degrees. How far apart are the ships?
I don't understand which one to use when solving the equation. Answered by Harley Weston. |
An octagonal bird house |
2007-01-13 |
From Soren: I'm in the process of building a birdhouse that is an octagon (based on previous questions, looks like that's a familiar tune). The essential elements are known, but I get stuck when trying to determine the angle for the cuts that would be made to the thickness of the wood so that they all fit together when assembled. Each octagonal section is 7 inches in width and the peak of the roof will be 2 inches higher than the sides. My sense is that the angle cuts that need to be made to the 'height' of each piece of wood. By height I mean the thinnest part of the wood that is neither the length nor the width to use colloquial terms. While it's clear that a slight angle is needed, it would seem that the angle would necessarily change as the distance from the top of any one side to the peak changes. Please advise if more clarification is needed. The 2 inches is random and can be changed if more convenient. Whew! Answered by Harley Weston. |
An octagonal birdhouse |
2006-12-30 |
From Verner: I am building a octagon birdhouse,what degree would I cut each side of each piece of wood to assemble the birdhouse? Answered by Penny Nom. |
The area of a house |
2006-06-28 |
From Michael: I would like to know how to measure the area of a house? Answered by Penny Nom. |
A lighthouse is located on a small island,... |
2005-07-14 |
From Brittnee: A lighthouse is located on a small island, 3 km away from the nearest point P on a straight shoreline, and its light makes four revolutions per minute. How fast is the beam of light moving along the shoreline when it is 1 km from P? Answered by Penny Nom. |
Dimensions of a roof |
2005-03-18 |
From A roofer?: A right triangle (roof of a house) has a base of 7 feet and a 22 degree angle. What is the height of the roof and what is the hypothenus of the triangle. Answered by Penny Nom. |
An Octagonal playhouse |
2004-07-13 |
From Levi: I'm building an octagon playhouse for my son that is 8 feet wide.
what would be the measurements of each of the eight sides. Answered by Harley Weston. |
The mean house price |
2003-09-10 |
From Carol:
Question: I have to find the mean from the following example: Price Range £000 | No of Houses | 55 and under 60 | 3 | 60 and under 65 | 6 | 65 and under 70 | 13 | 70 and under 80 | 21 | 80 and under 100 | 15 | 100 and under 130 | 7 | 130 upwards | 1 | I know when calculating the mean you use the mid points of the classes, but how does this work for the 130 upwards class? Also, does this still work given the difference in the classes (ie. 1st class is 5, 5th class is 20, etc). Any help to get me started would be greatly appreciated. Answered by Penny Nom. |
Some 5 card hands |
2002-03-28 |
From A student: From a standard deck of cards how many 5 card hands are possible consisting of a. exactly 4 hearts
b. two cards of one kind and three of another(like a full house). Answered by Penny Nom. |
Alfredos house number |
2002-02-21 |
From Aunt Patty: Alfredos house number is between 20 and 35. The sum of the digits is less than 5. If you subtract 1 from it you would get a multiple of 3. If you add three, you get a multiple of 5. What is Alfredos house number. Answered by Penny Nom. |
A lighthouse and related rates |
2001-11-29 |
From Melissa: A lighthouse is located on a small island 3 km away from the nearest point P on a straight shoreline, and its light makes 4 revolutions per minute. How fast is the beam of light moving along the shoreline when it is 1 km from P? Answered by Penny Nom. |
A lighthouse problem |
2001-11-02 |
From A student: A lighthouse at apoint P is 3 miles offshore from the nearest point O of a straight beach. A store is located 5 miles down the beach from O. The lighthouse keeper can row at 4 mph and walk at 3.25 mph.
a)How far doen the beach from O should the lighthouse keeper land in order to minimize the time from the lighthouse to the store?
b)What is the minimum rowing speed the makes it faster to row all the way? Answered by Harley Weston. |
The repetend in repeating decimals |
2001-03-21 |
From Sharon: What is the name for the bar over the repetend in repeating decimals? Also, what is the name of the long division "house"? Answered by Penny Nom. |