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29 items are filed under this topic.
Roof Square footage 2015-11-11
From Todd:

Question from Todd:

Good Day.
I have to figure out the square footage of a quonset style roof that's not playing by the rules The building dimensions (rectangular) are 63'x135' the height of the roof is 9.25'. It not an entire Quonset, It's that style of roof,(curved). There are concrete block walls 10' up to the metal roof.

Thank you!


Answered by Harley Weston.
The square footage of a 17 inch by 17 inch tile 2013-05-18
From Leroy:
How do I calculate the square footage of a 17inch by 17 inch tile
Answered by Penny Nom.
A degreaser for a fish tank 2009-07-23
From charlie:
I have a tank that is 10 feet in diameter that I want to put floating degreaser in.The rate for the degreaser is 1/2 gallon per square foot of surface water.How do I figure out how many gallons I need?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Square footage 2009-01-20
From david:
15 3 5/8 x 18 7"
Answered by Penny Nom.
A four sided lot 2008-07-09
From michelle:
the front is 65.29
left side 162.26
the back 155.00
right side 101.01

right angle=50.00
left angle= 153.30

Answered by Harley Weston.
90% of gross leaseable footage 2008-06-07
From Rosalind:
90% of gross leaseable footage in the shopping center, being 394,577, excluding that square footage leased by major anchor tenants, being 284,747. Would you deduct the 284,747 from the 394,577, then multiply by the 90%. Or would you multiply the 394,577 by the 90%, then deduct the 284,747?
Answered by Penny Nom.
What is the outside footage of a 50 acre parcel square? 2008-02-07
From dan:
what is the outside footage of a 50 acre parcel square
Answered by Penny Nom.
The square footage of a property 2007-11-30
From Warren:
The west property line is 240' long with a 90-degree angle to the south property line.
The south property line is 493' long with a 90-degree angle to the east property line.
The east boundary is 165' long.
The length of the north property line is not known but it is a straight line from the north end of the east property line to the north end of the west property line.

Could you please tell me the total square feet and how many acres?
And how you calculated the answer

Answered by Penny Nom.
A triangular lot 2007-10-17
From Brian:
Seeking the square footage of a triangular property lot, dimensions are: 620 X 620X 720.
Answered by Penny Nom and Melanie Tyrer.
Is there a way I can calculate correct square footage for odd shapes? 2007-08-31
From Tom:
I manage a golf course, and we are about to over seed the course for the upcoming winter months. We will be over seeding all greens, fairways, and tee boxes. Noone of the area that we will be placing seed on is a regular shape. The closest shapes they would be is a circle, rectangle or square, but most of them are all odd CURVED shapes. I know what the equation is for Square ft., and I know how many Square ft. are in an acre, but I need to be precise with the amount of seed I order. Is there a way I can calculate correct square footage for odd shapes.
Answered by Harley Weston.
The area of a five sided lot 2007-08-19
From Karyn:
I have been looking at your site, but I am still confused as to how to figure out the exact square footage of my irregular lot (since it is a gradual fan lot from the front, and triangles out in the back).
Answered by Harley Weston.
Area of a pentagonal lot 2007-05-09
From Mimi:
I would like to know the square footage of a pentagon with the following measurements: Property is .43 of an Acre Front: 57.11' NW: 105.78' S: 120' SE: 145' E: 102.86' I don't want you to try to show me how to work thru the problem since I will never comprehend it. For some reason, I am unable to perform these kinds of equations. I will greatly appreciate your help.
Answered by Penny Nom.
What will our square footage size be after appropriation? 2007-03-17
From Melissa:
I have a rectangular lot of 110.0 feet by 396.0 feet. When we sell the District will take 2.38 meters off the front for appropriation. I believe we currently have a 1 acre lot? What will our sqaure footage size be after appropriation? Thanks, Melissa
Answered by Penny Nom.
The square footage of an irregular lot 2006-12-07
From Lori:
If I have a rectangular irregular sized lot with the following:

A - 110.53'
B - 159.87'
C - 127.28'
D - 165.86'

How do I determine the square footage?

Answered by Penny Nom.
The square footage of my property 2006-09-17
From Jack:
I have been trying to calculate the square footage of my property, without success. The measurements are below. Is there a simple formula that can be used based upon the outside parameters? Or, is there a simple way to calculate the square footage?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom.
The lot is a very odd shape 2006-07-20
From Liz:
I have a square footage question. I'm looking at buying a piece of land and would like to know how to calculate the square footage of it. The lot is a very odd shape and I have attached a drawing of the lot:
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Finding square footage from lengths in inches 2006-07-14
From Ann:
How do I find out the square footage of a window 45" by 22" and 43" by 35.5"?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
A hallway in an old house 2006-05-06
From Sabrina:
I am trying to determine how many square feet is in a room that is not square or rectangular. It has basically 5 walls of different lengths, it is acutely considered a hallway in an old house, how can I figure out the footage, the Length times Width requires to much wasted materials
Answered by Penny Nom.
The square footage of an area in my backyard 2006-03-17
From Kim:
I need to find out how to calculate the square footage of an area in my backyard that is in the shape of a "slice of pie". There are two sides that are straight lines that come together at the top to form a point, and then at the bottom is a curved line that joins the two other lines together. I need to figure out how to calculate the square footage that is inside the area.
Answered by Penny Nom.
How many tiles do I need? 2005-07-20
From Jeannette:
I am putting up backsplash tile in my kitchen and I need to know how many tiles I would need to use for about 45 square feet using 4x4 tiles.
Answered by Penny Nom.
The size of a lot 2005-06-09
From Bob:
Is it possible to determine the square footage and acreage of a residential lot that's straight on 3 sides, and triangular on the 4th side?

As shown in the crude sketch below, the two legs of the triangle at the back end of the lot are 61' and 62'.

Answered by Penny.
A triangular lot 2005-05-21
From Linda:
I am looking to purchase a piece of property, and I need some help trying to figure out the square footage of the land. I know that normally if I multiply the length and width I could get my answer. However, this piece of land is an odd shape and has 3 measurements. Can you please help me.
The measurements for this piece of land is:


Answered by Penny Nom.
A square footage problem 2004-10-19
From Jerome:
I have a peice of property that is almost a triangle but not exactly about 280 frontage with the side lines at 228 and 237

I was told I had about one acre plus a little, a developer says I have 33,000 sq ft. and I would like to know what the real result is

Answered by Penny Nom.
The area of a lot 2004-08-22
From Cassie:
I'm in the process of purchasing some land and I'm trying to figure out the square footage of the property. Unfortunately, it's be a while since I had to remember this type of formula. The property is 140 ft on left side, across the back it is 220.61 ft, the right side is 167.52 ft, the frontage is 105 ft.
Answered by Penny Nom.
2.79 acres 2004-08-11
From Helen:
What would the square footage be of 2.79 acres?
Answered by Penny Nom.
The square footage of an acre 2004-01-12
From Paul:
What is the square footage of an acre of land assuming all four sides are equal in length.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Sodding the yard 2002-04-08
From Craig:
my parents want to lay sod in our back yard.

the sod cost $2.00 per square foot.

The size of our yard is 20x20 and 26x41

Answered by Penny Nom.
Area of an octagon 2002-04-01
From Someone:
What is the actual square footage of a 12' octagon?
Answered by Penny Nom.
The price of a carpet 2001-03-01
From Amber:
i have to calculate the square footage of carpet for me room and im not quite sure how to do that. the carpet is $2.08 per sq. ft. and my room is 12x11ft.
Answered by Penny Nom.



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