40 items are filed under this topic.
The width of a rectangle of land |
2020-04-26 |
From Teresa: If a rectangle shape piece of land is 813 feet long. How many feet width would be 2 acres? Answered by Penny Nom. |
Degrees, minutes and seconds |
2020-02-21 |
From Jonathan: If a cone has an angle of 22 degrees, when i place it flat on a surface, the new resulting central angle is now at 68.69123834, but how come when i saw it on my friend it say 68 degree and 40 minutes, what is this minute? Answered by Penny Nom. |
Do all angles have to be equal to a number? |
2019-05-15 |
From Malik: Do all angles have to be equal to a number? By all angles I mean adjacent, vertical, supplementary, complementary. Answered by Penny Nom. |
Gallons and cubic inches |
2016-12-05 |
From Theresa: If I did not know the cubic inches in a liquid gallon how would I find it?
In other words what is the formula for this? Answered by Penny Nom. |
Covering a floor with plank flooring |
2016-12-04 |
From sandra: my bathroom is 5'x6'.2"
i want to purchase plank flooring which covers 19.8 sq ft per box.
how many boxes would i need. Answered by Penny Nom. |
Building a pyramid |
2016-12-01 |
From Jesse: I'm trying to build a 30"by30"by 18.25"tall pyramid,what should my cutting measurements be? Answered by Harley Weston. |
Radius angle and arc length |
2016-11-24 |
From pavidthra: Length or arc 11 and angle of subtended 45.need to find a radius Answered by Penny Nom. |
The degree measure of the central arc of a circle |
2012-10-17 |
From Crystal: On a circle with radius of 12 cm is an arc of length 20 cm. What is the degree measure of the central angle used to make this arc? Answered by Penny Nom. |
A tapestry rod on a curved wall |
2012-08-14 |
From Marlyn: I have a curved wall with a radius of 6'. I am trying to have a 36" rod made to hang a tapestry and need to figure out the degree measure of the arc.
Can you help me please? Answered by Penny Nom. |
Angle measures |
2012-03-21 |
From jogiboy: how can i get the sine theta if the given is 3.14/3 Answered by Penny Nom. |
cos(x) = -1/(square root of 2) |
2011-04-27 |
From Shelby: Find exact value of x for 1 <(or equal to) x < 2pi
a) cos(x) = -1/(square root of 2) Answered by Penny Nom. |
The degree measure of an arc in a circle |
2011-04-08 |
From Deb: How do I find the degree measure of an arc in a circle with the Length of 14 and the radius of 70? Answered by Penny Nom. |
sin x = -0.25 |
2011-03-29 |
From Wayne: How do you solve for x in the equation sin x = -0.25
the answer is 3.394 and 6.030 but I don't know the steps they used to calculate this Answered by Penny Nom. |
Measuring the heights of tall objects |
2010-10-28 |
From Inder: what is used in real world to measure heights of tall objects? besides Clinometer or shadows, what else is their that is used to measure tall objects. Answered by Robert Dawson. |
Vapor trails |
2010-04-12 |
From Frank: I'm not sure if this is a proper question to ask so if I have misdirected my question I apologize and no response is expected. I am trying to figure out a way to measure vapor trails from my back yard in Phoenix Arizona. If I used a compass and spread each point of the compass to the start and finish of the vapor trail I would have the angle of an isosceles triangle. The other two angles would be identical. The height of from the inverted base of the triangle to my standing spot on the ground would be about 35,000 feet. I'm thinking that there should be a way to figure out the length of the inverted base (vapor trail) but I'm devoid of mathematical skills and can't seem to figure out how to do this. Is it possible to figure out the length of a vapor trail using this method or do you have an easier way to accomplish the task?
Any help you could offer would be most appreciated.
Thanks....Frank Answered by Harley Weston. |
Body measurements |
2010-04-06 |
From Amirul: Recently I'm proposing my research question to my teacher for my extended essay. I'm an IB student.
My research question is regarding the estimation of human in buying trousers through reference of neck. What does the relation between the diameter of the neck and the diameter of the waist?
I want to see how far does the estimation theory is true for different type of people with different BMI(body mass index)..
But teacher said that it is golden ratio...so nothing interesting... =(
really??? But i search on net.... state that my idea seems do not have any relation with the golden ratio so far..... i just want ask you... am I able to perform in my extended essay if i continue with this research question?? Answered by Robert Dawson. |
A quadrilateral with 4 known sides and 1 known angle |
2010-03-19 |
From samuel: Name: Samuel
Status: Student
I have a quadrilateral with 4 known sides and 1 known angle, and I'm trying to evaluate the other angles of my quadrilateral.
By the law of cosines, I can easily find my opposite angle (using the diagonal as a basis for the equation).
However, to find the two remaining angles, I have found no other way so far than to use the other diagonal, which can be found with the equation attached (from geometry atlas).
Is there any simpler way? Answered by Robert Dawson and Harley Weston. |
Loading a headboard in a uhaul |
2010-01-20 |
From gina: I have a uhaul 9'10" long 4"9"wide 4'7"height I have a headboard 74 inches in height would it fit the box diagonally Answered by Penny Nom. |
Polygons, diagonals and the sum of the measures of the angles |
2009-12-18 |
From jason: find the set of polygons in which the number of diagonals is greater than the sum of the measures of the angles Answered by Robert Dawson. |
The maximum number of right angles in a polygon |
2009-10-05 |
From Bruce: Is there way other than by trial and error drawing to determine the maximum number of right angles in a polygon? Secondary question would be maximum number of right angles in a CONVEX polygon. Is there a mathematical way to look at this for both convex and concave polygons? Or are we limited to trial and error drawing? Answered by Chris Fisher. |
How do I convert mcg to ml? |
2008-01-27 |
From David: How do I convert mcg to ml? Answered by Stephen La Rocque. |
Rounding |
2007-11-05 |
From Charles: I have been asked to explain why rounding to 3 decimal places
has become the adopted industry standard in mathematics for
showing measurement calculations. I understand that it makes
sense to round financial calculations to 2 d.p. because then it's
rounded to the nearest penny (or cent) but why would the standard
in measurement be 3? Answered by Stephen La Rocque. |
Grade 5 shapes and measurements |
2007-09-23 |
From Marina: I'm helping my grade 5 son in this assignment but I don't know how. There are 2 question I would like you to help me:
1.How can the shapes used to form a larger similar figure using 4 shapes: ( a 3 by 3square is drawn in a 6 by 6 dot figure,drawing attached)
2.You are planning to build a birdhouse measurement is attached,. You are going to cut the pieces from a board that is 12 inches wide. How long should the board be? Answered by Penny Nom. |
The irrationality of PI |
2007-08-07 |
From Matthew: I have what I like to think of as a rather interesting question that I can't explain confidently for the life of me.
If we take a circle with a radius of 1 and we calculate the circumference, we can use 2 pi R.
Doing this calculation results in a circumference of 6.28318530717~ which goes on forever.
However, if you were to take a that same circle in the real world, say with radius 1cm and wrap a string around
it, and then measure the string, you don't get 6.28~, you get something like 6.2, a much more finite distance. The length
of the string is not an irrational number, like the math claims it to be. Answered by Claude Tardiff and Stephen La Rocque. |
Converting measurements |
2007-07-11 |
From Nicole: if you have 8 oz of water how many cc: will there be. Answered by Stephen La Rocque. |
Converting units |
2006-01-21 |
From A student: How can you solve a measurement problem by changing it to a fraction of the new unit that follows such as:
18 inches =------------------- yard
40 minutes = -------------- hour
5 days = -------------- week Answered by Penny Nom. |
The sum of the angels in a triangle |
2005-11-25 |
From Rachel: how do you prove, without knowing any of the measurements or degrees, that the three angles of a triangle equal 180? what are the steps for proving that? Answered by Penny Nom. |
Find the measure of each angle |
2005-11-25 |
From Bev: in triangle abc, angle a is four times as large as angle b, angle c measures 20 degrees less than angle b. find the measure of each angle. Answered by Penny Nom. |
Is 360 Really the correct value? |
2005-08-15 |
From Jack: Considering the circumference of a "Perfect Circle" with a Diameter of 1 meter would be something like 3.14 meters, why do we use the number 360 to represent the number of degrees within that circumference?
Would it not make more sense to express the degrees in reference to the relationship to the diameter as related to pi?
That is, let's just say our "Perfect Circle" has a circumference of 3.14 meters, therefore, what we now consider as due east would change from 90 Degrees to 78.5 Degrees. Answered by Penny Nom. |
The tangent of theta |
2004-07-10 |
From Jacob: P is a point on a unit circle with coordinates(0.6,0.8). Find tan of theta. My book shows me how to do it,"tan of theta=opp./adj.=0.8/0.6=4/3,"and leaves it as that's the answer(4/3).When do we know from a problem to find the angle measure (in this case, the angle measure of theta) and how do we know when to give something like 4/3 without converting it to the angle measure? Answered by Penny Nom. |
Milliliters |
2003-02-04 |
From James: What is a milliliter? Answered by Penny Nom. |
Cubic yards |
2002-04-20 |
Radian measure |
2001-07-26 |
From Amy: i have to find out what is meant by the radian measure of an angle and compare it to the measure of an angle in degrees. Answered by Harley Weston. |
Two jugs |
2001-06-04 |
From Heather: One goes to a source of water with two jugs and only two jugs. One jug had a capacity of exactly three pints and the other five pints. Both jugs are opaque (you canít see inside them) and irregularly shaped. How can you use the two jugs and only the two jugs to measure exactly four pints of water? Answered by Harley Weston. |
Shape, symmetry, measurement and space |
2001-02-24 |
From Marilyn: I have to write in detail about how young children learn about shape, symmetry, measurement and space. It is not activities I need it is how the children learn. How/why their brain takes it all in Answered by Walter Whiteley. |
History of a meter |
2000-04-07 |
From Jarod Fischer: The length of a meter has been determined in three different ways. The first and original way was determined in 1798. The second way was determined in 1960. The third and current way was determined in 1983. What were the three ways and why were the first two abandoned? Answered by Harley Weston. |
Body part measurements |
1999-11-10 |
From V Bailey: I am a kindergarten teacher and mother of a 6th grader who wants to do a science project on the correlations of body part measurements. We heard this on the radio and it sparked our interest, but now I cannot find any information about it. Examples are: your height is supposed to equal the distance from fingertip to fingertip when your arms are outstretched. Your foot size is supposed to equal the distance from your wrist to your elbow. Please help me find more information on this topic. Answered by Penny Nom. |
Converting Metric Measurements |
1999-04-08 |
From Rick: Do you have any simple explanations for converting Metric measurements to other Metric measurements?? What helpful hints do you also have for a 5th Grader... Answered by Penny Nom. |
Nickles on the Highway |
1998-09-22 |
From Ronnie Mac Donald: How many nickels would it take to cover 226km of highway,each nickel is 2cm in diameter? Answered by Penny Nom. |
Imperial System of Measurement. |
1997-09-17 |
From Judy Pardilla: Please also give the solution to the answers. Thank you. - If a room is 12 feet by 15, how many square yards are there?
- If a single roll of wallpaper will cover 30 square feet, how many single rolls will it take to cover a wall 8' x 15'?
- If ceramic tiles are 8" x 8", how many tiles would it take to cover an area 4' x 6'?
If possible, can you e-mail me a table for imperial measurements. Thank you! Answered by Penny Nom. |