187 items are filed under this topic.
16 golfers |
2009-03-18 |
From Bill: We have 16 golfers. We golf for 5 days, in foursomes. It should work out that each player plays with each other player 1 time exactly.
I just can't figure it out.
Thank you in advance!
Bill Answered by Claude Tardif and Victoria West. |
Golf for 28 golfers over 4 days |
2020-11-14 |
From David: hi, I was wondering if you could help me with a golf draw, I have 28 players and wish to play a four round foursomes over 4 days
I would like to minimize the amount of games that they play together. Answered by Harley Weston. |
Golf schedule for 12 players over 8 days |
2018-09-03 |
From William: We have a golf trip with 12 golfers
we are playing 8 rounds together......we want to mix the group up at best possible w/o too much overlap.......
thoughts? the math is way over my head...
even if we play the first 6 rounds with different partners, then the last 2 can be repeats ...or whatever the math works out Answered by Penny Nom. |
Golf for 6 - 2 three balls |
2016-02-01 |
From Andy: We are shortly having a golf holiday in Phoenix. There are 6 people playing 6 rounds, so we will play in 2 three balls. Is there a combination of pairings that ensures everyone plays with each other the same number of times. Many thanks for your help ! Andy Answered by Victoria West. |
20 golfers playing a 20 week season |
2015-12-07 |
From Jeff: We have 20 golfers playing a 20 week season. We play in foursomes. How best to set foursomes so everyone can play with every without playing with the same person multiple times? Answered by Victoria West. |
A schedule for 12 high school golf teams |
2015-11-15 |
From Jason: I have 12 high school golf teams (A - L). There will be 4 games each week for 4 weeks. For each game, 3 teams play at a time (A vs B vs C). I would like it where no team plays the same team twice. Week four is my issue as I seem to always have a team or two playing the same team again. Is it possible to have each team play each other only once? Answered by Victoria West. |
A schedule for 8 golfers over 5 days |
2015-11-04 |
From Ged: Hope you can help with the following to save next years arguments !
Schedule for 8 golfers playing as pairs in 2 X 4 balls on 5 days.
No player to pair same player more than once and to have played with each player
In the 4 ball.
Thanks. Answered by Victoria West. |
11 golfers over five rounds |
2015-10-15 |
From Leo: 11 golfers over five rounds. Will golf as 4-4-3. How to set it up so everyone plays at least once with each player. Answered by Victoria West. |
We are six golfers going away for 3 days of golf |
2015-10-13 |
From Mike: We are six golfers going away for 3 days golf. We are playing in 2 no threeballs playing concurrently. How can we arrange things so that everyone plays averydody else at least once. Is this possible.? Answered by Victoria West. |
32 golfers playing 6 rounds |
2015-09-19 |
From scott: i am looking for a schedule for 32 golfers to play 6 rounds and never play with the same person twice.
I made one for 28 golfers but i am struggling with 32. Answered by Victoria West. |
20 golfers for 6 days |
2015-09-11 |
From Dave: have 20 golfers for 6 days. Each player should pair with 18 golfers
used a system on your website which is good for 5 days, but cannot get the 6th day.
Thanks for your help Dave Answered by Victoria West. |
18 golfers playing four rounds |
2015-09-09 |
From Paul: I have 18 golfers playing four rounds. I want two 3 balls and
three 4 balls each day. I don't want anyone to play in a 3 ball
more than once and I don't want anyone to play with the same
person twice. I realise everybody can't play with everybody, I
just want the best you can do. Answered by Victoria West. |
20 golfers playing four rounds |
2015-08-17 |
From Paul: I have a party of 20 golfers playing four rounds in fourballs.
I realise that everyone will have 7 players that they do not play
with, however I want to ensure that no one plays with the same
person twice and that the Captain plays with the 12 players of
his choice. Answered by Victoria West. |
Golf for 12 with a proviso |
2015-07-07 |
From Ken: I hope you can help me. I'm trying to put together a draw for 12 players in 3 groups over 4 days. One proviso, 2 players must play together in each round because they require the use of a golf cart. We are due to play in September this year.
Thanking you in advance for any assistance you can give. Answered by Victoria West. |
8 golfers playing 5 round |
2015-06-11 |
From Simon: We have 8 golfers playing 5 rounds, and want to make the pairings as even as possible (ie all play against everyone else)
2 of the players however must play together each day - due to a buggy being required.
If anyone has a formula to work this out I'd be appreciated Answered by Victoria West. |
Golf for 14: 2 fourballs and 2 threeballs |
2015-05-20 |
From martin: I have to organize 14 players to play four rounds of golf. Each round comprise two fourballs and two three balls .
What's the best combination to ensure that each persons plays with as many of the others as possible without playing with somebody more than twice? Answered by Victoria West. |
16 golfers for 18 weeks |
2015-03-22 |
From Rose: We could use a schedule to include the following:
16 golfers
4 foursomes
Each person plays once a week for 18 weeks.
No one plays in same foursome more than 1 or 2 times, or the least
amount of time.
Thank you for your kindness. Answered by Victoria West. |
8 golfers playing in 2x2 balls in 5 games |
2015-03-18 |
From Brian: We are 8 golfers who will be playing in 2x2 balls in 5 games.
is there a formula to minimize the chances of playing with a partner or opponent
too often please ? Answered by Victoria West. |
Revisiting 8 golfers in two foursomes |
2014-08-19 |
From steve:
I noticed you had an answer on how can you put 8 golfers in even foursomes over 7 games so that everyone plays with everyone equally. However the formula showed the following sequence that was used but did not go past the second day. Can you change the 0s and 1s into the numbers 1 to 8 instead. Here is what you have written:
Day 0 : (0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1)
Day 1 : (0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1)
Day 2 : (0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1)
Day 3 : (0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1)
Day 4 : (0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0)
Day 5 : (0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0)
Day 6 : (0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0)
Thank you so much for your anticipated help.
Steve Answered by Harley Weston. |
4 rounds of golf as three foursomes |
2014-08-18 |
From Christopher: For our golf trip, we will be playing 4 rounds of golf as three foursomes. We would like to have each person play with everyone at least once. Is this possible? Answered by Victoria West. |
Golf for 10 |
2014-08-12 |
From Fred: We have 10 golfers playing 4 rounds: one 4-some and two 3-somes each round.
Can you suggest the best distribution of players? Answered by Victoria West. |
Golf for 15 |
2014-08-11 |
From Brian: I am trying to arrange 5 rounds of golf for 15 golfers. We will play 5 in a group, 3 groups per round, 5 rounds. I would like everyone to play with everyone else. Secondary objective would be for no one to play with anyone else more than 2 times.
Thank you. Answered by Victoria West. |
16 golfers over 15 weeks |
2014-07-11 |
From Steve: I need a schedule for 16 golfers over 15 weeks, where each golfer is paired with a different golfer each week and plays 4 matches per week against 4 different pairs (each pair does not have to play each week) Answered by Penny Nom. |
A 14 team golf league |
2014-07-11 |
From Pat: We have a 14 team golf league that plays a 16 week schedule. Playing once per week, I need a schedule where each team plays every other team at least one time. Answered by Victoria West. |
14 golfers, 7 men and 7 women |
2014-07-06 |
From John: I have to schedule 14 golfers, 7 men and 7 women, into 4 teams each day, playing for 3 days. So each player plays with as many different players as possible for 3 games. Answered by Victoria West. |
12 golfers |
2014-06-23 |
From Derek: I have a golf group that is set up as follows.12 players broken into 2 teams of 6.We play as a 4 ball ie 2 from each group.I am looking for a formular to have the 2 players from each group not play with each other again & also both of the 2 in each group not play with others in the other group more than once.I don't believe it is possible,so will accept as little duplication as possible-many thanks-Derek Answered by Victoria West. |
10 golfers, playing 7 rounds in 2 x 3balls and 1 x 4ball |
2014-06-04 |
From adrian: Hi,
We are off to Scotland on our yearly golfing trip soon.
Question is we have 10 golfers, playing 7 rounds in 2 x 3balls and 1 x 4ball.
I would like to ensure that each golfer plays with the other guys an equal amount of times,
guess 3ish? and we share the amount of times each player plays in the 4ball.
Hope you can help? Answered by Victoria West. |
14 golfers for 13 weeks |
2014-05-17 |
From Judi: I want to schedule each of my 14 golfers to play each of the other girls one time during a 13 week period. We would golf in foursomes , threesomes or twosomes to make this happen. Can you send me a grid that would do this scheduling? I'm at a loss as to how to do it!! Answered by Victoria West. |
Golf for 14 players over 12 weeks |
2014-05-16 |
From Judi: How would I develop a playing schedule using foursomes and one twosome for 14 players who will play 12 weeks and each person would play all but one of the others? Answered by Victoria West. |
18 golfers for 5 rounds with a teaching Pro |
2014-05-14 |
From Maree: We are taking 18 golfers on Tour with a teaching Pro. There are 5 rounds of golf and we want everyone to play with the Pro once, but everyone else to play with as many different people as possible Answered by Victoria West. |
A 5-person golf flight |
2014-05-05 |
From Jeremy: can you have a 5-person golf flight and play only 3 matches so that one person plays one match each? Answered by Victoria West. |
Golf for 8 |
2014-05-05 |
From Ivan: We have an eight member golf team. We field one foursome each week for 16 weeks of league play. How do I roate the eight members so each team member plays with each team member and all play an approximately equal number of times? Answered by Victoria West. |
4 golfers in twosomes |
2014-05-04 |
From Lori: 4 golfers want to play as 2 somes every week, but rotate the 2 players so we all play together
With each other evenly thru out the summer Answered by Victoria West. |
Golf :15 players over 4 days |
2014-05-02 |
From michael: We are playing with 15 players over 4 days. We plan to have 3 people in each group. A total of 5 groups with 3 players each. Can I arrange for each player to play with other players only 1 time? Answered by Victoria West. |
11 golfers going on a golf trip for 4 rounds |
2014-05-01 |
From David: I have 11 golfers going on a golf trip for 4 rounds of golf. I want to make sure that everyone gets a chance to play with everyone at least once but not more than twice.
Also, as we are n = 11, we will be composed of 3-4-4 everyday. I am trying to ensure that as few as people as possible play in the group of 3 (golf seems to be more enjoyable for whatever reason in foursomes). i have tried 3 differemt times and can seem to figure it out. Can you assist? Answered by Victoria West. |
2 teams of six playing each other 4 times |
2014-05-01 |
From Steve: I have 2 teams of six (Team A & B)- playing each other 4 times.
Is it possible to have a player from Team A play with a different partner from Team A for each of the 4 rounds,
and likewise for Team B.
Whilst no player from either team plays an opponent more than twice during the 4 rounds? Answered by Victoria West. |
Two 9 hole golf leagues |
2014-04-23 |
From Sally: I need help scheduling two 9 hole leagues. Here are the variables:
- Leagues alternate each week starting on the front and back
- League A starts at 4:30 with 7 groups and League B starts at 5:15 with 8 groups (all use carts and must be teed off by 5:30)
- Regular play must continue, customers who have started before league play begins have preference to continue their round whether they are playing 9 or 18 holes.
Thank you!!! Answered by Victoria West. |
Golf for 6 |
2014-04-21 |
From barbara: We are a group of 6 golfers. We play in groups of 3 for 5 days.
How can I arrange the groups that everybody plays with everybody else at least once?
Thanks. Answered by Victoria West. |
Golf with 3 teams of 20 |
2014-04-21 |
From Joshua: Thank in advance for this great service
Golf - new - 3 teams of 20 - to create 20 unique groups of 3
For example use 3 teams of 3
1a 2a 3a
1b 2b 3b
1c 2c 3c
So groups are
1a 1b 1c
2a 2b 2c
3a 3b 3c
Groups can only have one a, one and one c - and that combo should be unique Answered by Victoria West. |
A 22 team golf league |
2014-04-21 |
From Terry: We have a team league at our local golf course.
We have 22 teams, we would like it so that each team plays the other team only once.
I have tried the scenario.
1,21;2,20;3,19;4,18;5,17;6,16;7,15;8,14;9,13;10,11;12,X X+1=1 scenario
2, 1;3,21;4,20,5,19,6,18;7,17;8,16;9,15;10,14;11,13;1,X
using formula from other post in your forums.
I can get all the possible playing arrangements. The big quandary is setting up the schedule
so that each week, each team would start on a different hole.
I can get the first 11 weeks scheduled very easily, it is just trying to get the last 11 weeks scheduled?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Answered by Victoria West. |
Golf League Schedule for 15 weeks and three flights |
2014-04-21 |
From bigdog: I need help setting up a 12 team (3 flights with 3 teams in each flight) 15 week league play schedule. Each team must play teams in there perspective flight twice during the 15 week season. Answered by Victoria West. |
A golf league with 20 players over 17 weeks |
2014-04-12 |
From Chris: I have a golf league 20 players and 17 weeks. We don't have teams so I just want to have everyone to play with each other the about same number of time and, hopefully, randomly distributed throughout the season. We have had situations in the past where two people play together for three weeks in a row and then not anymore for the rest of the season. From other posts, I see how to schedule the first 5 weeks without repeats but I can’t figure out an algorithm to for the rest of the season. Thanks! Answered by Victoria West. |
A golf league consisting of 14 two man teams |
2014-04-10 |
From Kevin: Hello,
I need to make a schedule for a golf league consisting of 14 two man teams playing over the course of 20 weeks. I understand that each team will play at least once and I believe 7 teams will play each other twice over the course of the season. How would I generate this schedule. Thank you,
Kevin Perry Answered by Victoria West. |
Golf for 8 playing 7 rounds |
2014-04-03 |
From Evan: We are going on a golf trip to Scotland and are trying to work out the pairings. There are 8 of us playing 7 rounds. We would like to be partnered up in 2's with everyone once and have evenly split up foursomes. Thanks for the help Answered by Victoria West. |
A schedule for an 8 man golf team playing 4 each week |
2014-04-01 |
From Harold: We have an 8 man golf team and wish to schedule only 4 to play each week and to have each member play with one of the other 7 at least once.
What is the simplest method. Number of weeks could be up to 18 or so. Answered by Victoria West. |
Golf with 20 players and one compulsory bye |
2014-03-31 |
From Wayne: I'm trying to run an event with 20 players, I would like if at all possible to limit amount of people playing repetitively together. (Mix it up and play with different people). Here's the conditions. I want groups of 4 over 5 rounds. On each round I want 4 players to drop out and have a bye (to help run the game) but I dont want them helping a group they've played in if I can help it. Is this possible ? Answered by Victoria West. |
12 golfers, 6 rounds |
2014-03-27 |
From Bill: I have a group of 12 golfers playing 6 rounds of golf. I am
looking for a pairings schedule that allows each golfer to play
at least one round in a foursome with each of the other eleven
Can you provide me with a solution? Answered by Victoria West. |
12 golfers, 24 weeks |
2014-03-27 |
From George: I have 12 golfers and want to set up a season schedule that will avoid duplication of playing partners as much as possible. The saeson is 24 weeks long. Do you have a formula? Answered by Victoria West. |
13 golfers in groupings of 4, 3, 3 and 3 |
2014-03-26 |
From Lennart: How can I organise 13 players playing in groupings of 4,3,3,3 for 3 rounds of golf in a way that all play with all others but a minimum of times with the same players(?)If possible, nobody should play in the 4 ball more than once. I would be grateful for an answer/proposal! Thank you, LR Answered by Victoria West. |
9 golfers in groups of 3 |
2014-03-22 |
From Andrew: We are a group of 9 golfers.
We play 4 rounds in 3 groups of 3.
What would be the most equitable where everyone plays with another at least 1 time...?.
Thank you. Answered by Victoria West. |
14 teams divided into two equal divisions |
2014-03-18 |
From C: We have 14 teams divided into two equal divisions. We want each team to play each team in their division one time and four teams from the other division one time. What is the schedule Answered by Victoria West. |
8 golfers for 7 rounds |
2014-03-11 |
From Brian: We have 8 guys playing 7 rounds of golf.
We want to play with each player as a partner only once, sounds simple but i can not come up with the match ups beyond the first 4 matches.
I believe the numbers should work perfectly where each player can play with another as a partner only once each throughout the week.
Please help. Answered by Robert Dawson. |
24 golfers playing 3 rounds |
2014-03-10 |
From Jim: How can I rotate 24 golfers playing 3 rounds of golf so that none of them play with the same person twice. Answered by Victoria West. |
Eleven golfers |
2014-03-08 |
From Leon: I have a group of 11 golfers wanting to play 10 rounds of golf in grouping of 4,4,3 .What is the best solution so that everyone plays each other as many times as possible Answered by Victoria West. |
9 golfers divided into 3 teams |
2014-02-22 |
From Steve: We have 9 golfers, divided into 3 teams each day. Play is over 6 days. Can you devise a schedule to ensure pairings allow for all golfers to play at least once with all participants?
Also, that the pairings have one player from another team. Answered by Victoria West. |
A 7 person golf schedule |
2014-02-21 |
From Claude: Golf Holiday: 7 guys, play a 4-some and a 3-some each day for 10 days.
Want to have the best balance of each player playing with every other player
the same number of times and each player playing in an equal number of
4-somes and 3-somes. Answered by Victoria West. |
8 golfers, 11 rounds |
2014-02-09 |
From Clare: I am leading a group of 8 golfers who will be playing 11 rounds each
at the end of next month and have been tasked with coming up with
a schedule that allows, as close as possible, that has everyone playing
an equal number of rounds with each other. Do you have any suggestions? Answered by Penny Nom. |
A schedule for 32 golfers |
2013-11-22 |
From Scott: I would like a schedule for 32 guys playing in 8 foursomes for 13 week. I would like it so that no one plays in the same foursome more than once or twice. Is this possible to do??? Can you let me know at bogeysm@yahoo.com if you can do it and if you will do it. Answered by Victoria West. |
Scheduling 10 people for 5 rounds |
2013-11-20 |
From Keith: Using golf as an example, I would like to schedule 10 people for 5 rounds with 2 groups of 4 and 1 twosome each round. I would like to minimze the number of times any one player plays with another. Can you provide an optimal schedule? Thank you for your help. Answered by Victoria West. |
Two teams of 4 playing 4 rounds of golf |
2013-09-29 |
From Tom: We would like to play a ryder cup format with two teams of 4 playing 4 rounds of golf. Three of the rounds would be pairs playing each other and one round would be singles. How can we set up the foursomes so we balance the number of times we play with every other golfer. Answered by Victoria West. |
12 golfers for 7 rounds |
2013-09-25 |
From Dennis: I have 12 golfers playing a round of golf for seven days. How can I set-up teams so that everyone plays with everyone at least once in those seven days. Thanks! Answered by Victoria West. |
6 golfers in threesomes over 7 rounds |
2013-09-24 |
From David: I have 6 golfers, (2 threesomes) who will be playing 7 rounds of golf. What is the best way to pair the 6 players so they play with as many different players over the 7 rounds? Answered by Victoria West. |
6 golfers in threesomes |
2013-09-04 |
From Gregg: We have 6 golfers playing in threesomes for three rounds of golf. I would like each golfer to play equally with the other 5. How can this be done. Answered by Victoria West. |
7 golfers, a threesome and a foursome |
2013-09-04 |
From Scott: I'm leading a golf trip with 7 guys, and we're playing 5 rounds of golf together with a threesome and a foursome at each course..
I want to set up a schedule where each person plays at least two rounds with each of the other 6 guys.
Is that possible? I can't seem to find the right combinations.
Thanks for your help! Answered by Victoria West. |
14 golfers in two person teams |
2013-09-04 |
From Stewart: How to rotate 14 golfers in two person teams without duplication until all have been paired at least once. Play is once per week. Answered by Victoria West. |
A schedule for 18 golfers |
2013-08-29 |
From Brian: After searching the data base which helped me solve at least 3 other issues I have one more un answered question. I have 18 golfers split into 6 threesomes for 4 days of golf. What is my best option for a schedule mixing them all up as much as possible over the course of the 4 days Answered by Victoria West. |
More on the scheduling of 16 golfers in 4 rounds |
2013-08-26 |
From Peter: I see your formula for 16 players 4 rounds.
Is it possible to get the players into different groups each day.
E.G Player 1 in group 1 the first day,
Group 2 the second day,
Group 3 the third day,
Group 4 the fourth day.
Then so on through the players. Answered by Victoria West. |
Golf for 11 |
2013-08-14 |
From Don: 2 foursomes and 1 threesome for 6 rounds of golf Answered by Victoria West and Harley Weston. |
A golf tournament for 12 people |
2013-08-01 |
From Brad: I've looked all over the web for a solution to this (including searching the archives here) to no avail.
We're doing a golf tournament with twelve people. Each person has a "handicap" that demonstrates their skill level. We have these numbers for each of the 12 players. We are trying to figure out how to schedule two rounds of golf with the most balance possible.
- We are playing two "real" rounds of golf (18 holes). There are four people per group.
- We want to split each round into two 9 hole games, which gives us a total of 4 games
- Halfway through (after 9 holes), you switch partners within the foursome that you're playing in.
- We want everyone to play with 4 unique different teammates
So say you start the first 18 hole round as a group of Players 1, 2, 3, and 4. Players 1 and 2 are a team, and players 3 and 4 are a team. After 9 holes, Player 1 would either be paired up with Player 3 or 4, and the other two players would pair up as well. Then the next day we will mix up the foursomes and do the same thing.
In terms of just pure scheduling this is simple. But I'm trying to figure out how to best balance the handicaps (simple average of each team's two handicaps works here). Assuming I'll need some sort of program or spreadsheet.
Any help or even a push in the right direction would be a tremendous help. Thanks in advance to anyone who wants to give this a shot. Answered by Victoria West. |
Golf for 16 |
2013-07-31 |
From Graylin: I am going on a golf trip and we have 16 players and need to know a formula that will allow us to all play together at some point in the 4 rounds we are playing. If not possible please provide best case.
Thanks. Answered by Victoria West. |
16 golfers |
2013-07-31 |
From Pat: 16 golfers...3 nine hole rounds a day...for 4 days.
what are the best pairings for the fewest repeats of partners? Answered by Victoria West. |
10 guys playing 8-9 hole rounds |
2013-07-19 |
From Jason: I have 10 guys playing 8 9 hole match-play rounds. I need to have everybody play the other 9 men, but need to limit them to only a 9 hole match between them. If we need to go 3-3-4 or 2-4-4 for a better solution, that may be possible. Answered by Victoria West. |
4 couples golfing |
2013-07-06 |
From Brian: We have 4 couples going on a 4 day golf vacation playing 4 rounds of golf.
I have spent hours trying to set up a schedule that allows the 4 spouse to play together,
and then each spouse to play with one of the other spouses (men with women) for the]
other 3 rounds.
I would like the foursomes to be different as possible. Also, no-one should RIDE in a cart with the
same person more than once.
I am not a math guy so I try to do this by working it out on paper, over
and over again. It ain't working!!
If you can help, I am very thankful.
Brian Answered by Victoria West. |
8 golfers playing 8 games |
2013-07-03 |
From Johan: We have 8 golfers playing 8 games, and we want to schedule them so that they play together equal amount of times, or as close as you can get to that.
They will be playing in two four balls each day.
Anyone sorted this one out yet, I will really appreciate a solution?
Johan Answered by Victoria West. |
13 golfers playing 5 rounds |
2013-07-03 |
From Alan: i have 13 golfers playing 5 rounds. want everyone to play together at least once. Answered by Victoria West. |
13 golfers |
2013-07-02 |
From James: 13 golfers playing in 4 groups [4,3,3,3 per group] for four rounds.
Can it be scheduled so that no two people play together more than twice? Answered by Victoria West. |
16 golfers in 2 groups of 8 |
2013-06-15 |
From Derek: we are 16 golfers.2 groups of 8."A" group & "B" group.We are playing 4 rounds,4 players at a time,2 from each group.We don't want to play with or against the same person twice.IE we want to play with 7 different people each day.Is it possible ?-thanks-Derek Answered by Victoria West. |
21 golfers |
2013-05-27 |
From Linda: A database search for a question on how to schedule 20 golfers in groups of 4 was very helpful ( Mona's answer referred to by C. Fisher 9-3-2008) I'm very glad I found this sight.
Our problem is we will have 21 golfers in the second half of the season. Is it possible to figure out that schedule? I assume we will have to include byes, but I'm not sure how to go about doing that.
Thank you. Answered by Victoria West. |
20 golfers over 5 days |
2013-05-09 |
From Russ: we have 20 golfers over 5 days, with 4 people per foursome which makes 5 groups each day. I would like to each person to play with everyone at least once if possible. Do you have a formula for this? Answered by Victoria West. |
8 golfers, 3 rounds |
2013-04-15 |
From justin: I have 8 golfers going on a trip. We have 3 rounds to play.
We would like to play with everyone (with or against.) Is this
possible? If so could you send me the formula please and thank you! Answered by Robert Dawson. |
10 golfers playing four rounds |
2013-04-09 |
From Terry: I've searched "golf" and "golf 10" but don't see 10 golfers playing four rounds (each round having one foursome plus two threesomes, and no "flights" as in one earlier answer); each player playing at least once with a maximum number of the other nine over the four rounds? Answered by Victoria West. |
16 golfers over 15 days |
2013-04-02 |
From Mark: 16 golfers, each plays the other 15 golfers once each over 15 days.
played in four foursomes each day.
What is schedule that allows each golfer to play with other golfers an equal number of times? Answered by Victoria West. |
We have 10 golfers and four rounds of golf in two days |
2013-02-05 |
From Steve: We are having a golf tournament. We have 10 golfers and four rounds of golf in two days. We are going to break the group of 10 into two flights. Flight A and Flight B. We would like all members in Flight A to play one nine hole match against each other. All players in Flight B to play one nine hole match against each other. Could we play in groups of 4,3 and 3? What is the best way to make the pairings work? Answered by Robert Dawson. |
Golf for 17 |
2013-01-23 |
From Richard: I have looked through the examples on your site but can't find one that suits. I am fiddling with one to see if I can get a result; but not confident.
I have 17 players playing 6 rounds in 3 groups of 4 and 1 group of 5. Two players will not be included in any 5 ball group. Can you help me please. Answered by Victoria West. |
Golf for 18 for 18 weeks |
2013-01-22 |
From Al: We have 18 two man golf teams and we play once a week for 18
weeks. We need a formula to schedule these teams so that they play
each other one time only. Answered by Victoria West. |
Golf for 2 groups of 4 for six rounds |
2012-11-21 |
From Andy: You have very kindly responded to a couple of questions I asked previously and I have tried to find the answer to my current query on the various links etc. My question: There are 8 of us going on a Golf Tour and we will be playing 2 groups of 4 for six rounds of golf. Is there a suitable schedule that works to ensure everyone plays with each other the same number of times (or as close as possible). Many thanks again for your help. Answered by Victoria West. |
Golf for 12 |
2012-09-10 |
From John: To have 12 players in groups of 4 playing in 4 games with different people each day Answered by Victoria West. |
Golf for 20, two teams of 10 |
2012-08-30 |
From Mark: Hi
I have to teams of 10 people playing Ryder cup format(against each other)
Can I have all 20 people playing with someone different over 3rounds of golf while remaining on there respective team I.e. players 1 to 10 must team up with a player of that group against a pair for players 11 to 20
I hope you can solve this for me
Thanks a bunch Mark Answered by Victoria West. |
12 golfers, 4 rounds |
2012-08-29 |
From Paul: We have 12 golfers who will play four rounds of golf - how can we organize the foursomes so that each player has the most exposure to the other 11 players? Answered by Victoria West. |
Golf for 16 in 7 rounds |
2012-08-16 |
From Elizabeth: Hello,
I am trying to sort out golfing for 16 guys for 7 rounds. However the twist is that the teams are broken down into 8 old boys vs. 8 young boys. Ideally, each of the players would only play each other once within their own team and then twice within all of the matches. Is that possible? Thanks for your help, my brain is hurting! Answered by Victoria West. |
2 threesomes for golf over 4 days |
2012-07-16 |
From Jim: How to arrange for 2 threesomes for golf over 4 days equitably. Answered by Victoria West. |
29 golfers |
2012-06-04 |
From robert: i have 29 golfers and have to make 8 teams for a golf scramble there will be 5 teams of 4 and 3 teams of 3 what is the fairest way to make up the teams? Answered by Victoria West. |
16 golfers, 4 rounds |
2012-06-04 |
From Gerry: 16 golfers, 4 rounds - best pairings so that everyone plays with each other at least once. Answered by Harley Weston. |
Golf 16 |
2012-05-29 |
From marknp: 16 players only want tp play with one player each one time Answered by Victoria West. |
16 golfers |
2012-05-17 |
From Nohemi: Can 16 golfers each play in foursomes for 6 days?
I found the answer for 5 days, but is it possible to do it for 6. Answered by Robert Dawson. |
Golf for 6 |
2012-05-12 |
From Steve: We have six golfers playing in two threesomes for six rounds of golf. Can you help solve this so that everyone plays with everyone else the same amount of times or close to it? Thanks! Answered by Victoria West. |
Golf: 8 players over 4 days in 4-balls |
2012-05-03 |
From JimB: I cannot seem to get this to work. Previous answers cover 2-balls, but we are 4-balls.
What we really want is for each player to play with each other, at least once and no more than twice.
Ideally, each would also play equally in the first and the second 4-ball of the day. Answered by Victoria West. |
Golf for 12 |
2012-04-20 |
From glenn: need to schedule 12 players for a 20 week season Answered by Victoria West. |
Golf for 12 |
2012-04-20 |
From Bram: We are heading on a golf trip with 12 guys, playing 6 rounds. Can you please provide the formula whcih which have the least duplication.
Thanks in advance,
Bram Answered by Victoria West. |
16 golfers |
2012-04-20 |
From steve: i have 16 golfers, 4 in "A" flight , 4 in "B" flight , 4 in "C" and 4 in "D"
We are playing 4 rounds (4 teams of 4) and every group must have a player from the A B C an D
flight, and in no round may 2 people have already played together! Answered by Victoria West. |
Golf for 12 |
2012-04-18 |
From Brent: I have a golf group that is set up as follows: 12 players, broken into
2 teams of 6. I am looking for a formula to have one player from team A
play against one player for team B each round, not repeat the match, and
ride with as little duplication as possible. I know that it is not statistically
possible with these numbers and will have at least one round that has
duplication. Answered by Robert Dawson. |
Golf for 10 |
2012-04-18 |
From Bob: Question from Bob:
I am trying to set up pairings for 4 rounds of golf with only 10 golfers (2 foursomes and 1 twosome) and trying to minimize duplications. Any formulas or help? Answered by Victoria West and Harley Weston. |
A 14 man golf league |
2012-04-12 |
From Paul: 14 man golf league. Need to have alternating 2 man teams for 18 weeks. Need to rotate foursomes so no one is stuck in twosome more than once. Can you help? Answered by Robert Dawson and Victoria West. |
A golf league with 2 man teams |
2012-04-11 |
From Cosmo: wanting to set up a golf league with 2 man teams. There are 14 A players and 14 B players.We want each A player to team with each B player once and each A player to play against each other A player once.Is this possible Answered by Victoria West. |
Golf for 28 |
2012-04-10 |
EARL Answered by Robert Dawson. |
Golf for 17 |
2012-03-29 |
From Richard: Hi Guys,
I have a scheduling problem which I don't think you have covered before.
Apologies if you have!
I have 17 golfers due to play 4 rounds of golf.
Each round will consist of 3 threeballs and 2 fourballs (ie. 17 golfers in 5 groups)!
Is it possible to come up with a schedule where each golfer plays
with different partners in each round? Answered by Robert Dawson. |
36 golfers |
2012-02-15 |
From Steve: We will have 36 golfers playing 4 rounds of golf and would like to have different foursomes each round. In other words, no player will play with another more than once. Answered by Harley Weston. |
Six golphers for 27 weeks |
2011-10-04 |
From ken: I have 6 golfers alternating playing in a group of 4 each week for 27 weeks.
How can I create a schedule so that each golfer both plays equally and plays against the other golfers an equal amount of time Answered by Victoria West. |
A group of 40 golfers |
2011-07-11 |
From Doug: We are a group of 40 golfers who play in 10 x foursomes playing 3 rounds. Can we all play with different players each round yet maintain the foursomes format. Answered by Victoria West. |
Golf for 14 |
2011-07-11 |
From Doug: We have 14 players playing over 4 days. can we play with different players every day and keep the 3 x foursomes and 1 x pair format Answered by Victoria West. |
Golf for 12 |
2011-07-07 |
From Jim: I have a golf trip scheduled with a total of 12 guys. We are playing
three rounds of golf. For round 1 Players A B C D must play together.
Is there a formula that would allow me to set up the other 8 foursomes
with no repeats or minimal repeats?
Thanks. Answered by Victoria West. |
16 golfers and 8 rounds |
2011-05-26 |
From Gerry: 16 golfers and 8 rounds. To have each player play with as many others as possible. Answered by Victoria West. |
Golf with 36 players |
2011-05-09 |
From Terry: What is the calculation to have 36 players play in a different foursomes each week. I would guess this would take 12 times but do not know how to figure this out Answered by Victoria West. |
A golf league of 60 golfers |
2011-04-14 |
From Keith: I have a golf league of 60 golfers and I want to have each golfer play in a different group of 4 each week for 24 weeks.
How can I do this Answered by Victoria West. |
8 golfers playing 2 groups of 4 each day for 5 days |
2011-04-08 |
From Chris: Hi,
8 golfers playing 2 groups of 4 each day for 5 days.
Trying to work out how they can organise playing at least once, and no more than twice, with everyone over the 5 days.
We always come up with someone playing 3 times with another in one of the 4's!
Hope you can help!
Regards. Answered by Victoria West. |
I have nine players, three rounds of golf |
2011-02-05 |
From Pat: My problem is I have nine players three rounds of golf, please could you give me the best formula so that no two players play twice together Answered by Victoria West. |
22 people playing 6 rounds of golf |
2011-01-31 |
From angi: I'm having a problem scheduling matches for a golf vacation.
We have 22 people playing 6 rounds of golf.
We know that we will need to have two 3 man pairings each day.
Is there a way to make sure that is not a great deal of duplication.
I did see how Penny answered a question in 2005 with the circles.
Is there a way mathematically to do this or through excel? Answered by Victoria West. |
16 golfers |
2011-01-22 |
From Jack: I am responsible for setting up groups for 16 golfers for 7 days, is there a formula to calculate playing partners so that everyone gets to play with each person? Answered by Victoria West. |
16 golfers |
2011-01-16 |
From Kenneth: Our group will play 12 rounds.
We are 16 golfers.
How can I schedule 12 days of differing foursomes limiting repeats in the foursomes Answered by Victoria West. |
10 golfer playing 5 rounds |
2011-01-09 |
From Jeff: need pairing for 10 golfer playing 5 rounds of golf. Answered by Victoria West. |
A golf holiday |
2011-01-04 |
From Andy: You kindly responded to a question I previously sent with regard to a Golf Holiday and I wonder if I might ask another question please. There are now 7 players playing 5 rounds of golf and I wonder if it is possible to devise a schedule where everyone plays with each other a minimum of two times i.e. they will play twice with some and three times with others. As always, many thanks for your kind assistance. Answered by Victoria West. |
Golf pairings |
2010-12-17 |
From AL: I have a golf tourney where we have fourteen players and are playing five times/rounds of golf. I am trying to pair up two threesomes and two foursomes so we don't play with the same person twice or the least amount of times. Answered by Victoria West. |
6 rounds of golf |
2010-11-29 |
From Andy: I wonder if you are able to assist me with scheduling pairings for a
forthcoming Golf Tournament ?
There are 7 players and we will be playing 6 rounds - each round
will be a 3 ball and a 4 ball. I am trying to work out a schedule that
means everyone plays with each other roughly the same number of
times. Also, we are looking to ensure everyone plays in roughly the
same number of 3 and 4 balls. Any suggestions would be much
appreciated - thank you. Answered by Chris Fisher. |
Will the ball clear the tree? |
2010-11-14 |
From MK: Sam hits a golf ball with a five-iron a distance of 120m horizontally. A tree 45m high and 35m in front of Sam is directly in the path of the ball. Will the ball clear the tree if the ball makes a parabolic curve and has a maximum height or 80m? Answered by Brennan Yaremko. |
Holiday for 7 golfers |
2010-01-05 |
From Andy: I am having difficulty scheduling pairings for a forthcoming Golf holiday. There are 7 players and we will be playing 7 rounds - each round will be a 3 ball and a 4 ball. I am trying to work out a schedule that means everyone plays with each other roughly the same number of times (with a minimum of, say, 3 times if possible). Also, we are looking to ensure everyone plays in roughly the same number of 3 and 4 balls. Any suggestions would be much appreciated (we leave in 10 days time). Thank you. Answered by Victoria West. |
15 golfers 3 rounds fivesomes |
2009-12-23 |
From Dewey: I have 15 golfers playing 3 rounds of golf. We will be playing in fivesomes. Any formula that has everyone playing with a different person each round?
Thank you.
Dewey Answered by Robert Dawson. |
Golf for 8 |
2009-10-10 |
From Chris: I have a group of 8 golfers who will be playing three rounds,
What is the best formula so we can all try to play with different people
during the 3 rounds . Answered by Victoria West. |
24 golfers, 6 days |
2009-10-03 |
From patrick: i need a pairing schedule for 24 golfers for six days playing in foursomes. Please Answered by Victoria West. |
24 golfers |
2009-10-01 |
From Peter: I am working on a 19 week golf schedule with 24 golfers, and I would like to know how to make up six foursomes each week without having a player paired with the same golfers. Answered by Victoria West. |
24 golfers: 4 days |
2009-09-21 |
From Steven: We have 24 golfers (6 A's, 6 B's, 6 C's & 6 D's) playing 4 days.
Each day a foursome consist of an A, a B, a C & a D player.
Can you give me a pairing list so that no two golfers will play on the same foursome for the 4 days? Answered by Chris Fisher and Victoria West. |
10 golfers |
2009-09-06 |
From Bill: We have 10 golfers scheduled to play over five days on vacation in November. Each day we will play in three groups of three and one foursome.
Is there an optimum solution that would assure that every golfer plays with every other golfer at least once while no golfer plays an inordinate number
of times with any other golfer or too often in a foursome? Answered by Victoria West. |
I have 9 players 4 rounds of 3 |
2009-08-31 |
From Larry: I have 9 players 4 rounds of 3. I need each player to play one timw with everyone in the group Answered by Victoria West. |
Golf for 15 |
2009-08-18 |
From Judy: We have a group of 15 golfers that play a scramble with groups of 3. The problem is we play for 14 weeks. We want every
player to play at least once with everyone and no more that 3 times. I am working on this and have just about accomplished
the schedule, but with a few playing more than 3 times. I'm sure there must be some mathematical calculation to do this but I
have yet to figure it out. Answered by Victoria West. |
Golfing with an unpopular golfer |
2009-07-23 |
From Ian: "We are a group of 8 golfers, one of whom is unpopular. How can we construct a schedule, of two foursomes, so that each person is scheduled to play with him the same number of times. What does the week by week schedule look like?" Answered by Robert Dawson and Victoria West. |
A golf league with 12 players |
2009-07-17 |
From Jane: My weekly golf league has 12 players in 4 threesomes.
How many weeks would it take to play everyone once and not have too many
duplications? What would be the schedule each week?
Thanks Answered by Victoria West. |
Eight golfers |
2009-06-26 |
From E: Hello,
We have a golf tournament. 8 players, 3 days, 2 fourballs per day.
How can each player play with each other no more than twice, and at least once?
Would like a speedy answer as we're going tomorrow!
Thank you Answered by Laura Morrison. |
Twelve golfers |
2009-06-26 |
From Fred: Hello-
There are twelve golfers in 3 foursomes for three days. Is there a
combination of four man foursomes that allow for no duplicates? In
other words, is there a formula to insure the greatest amount of
variety in the foursomes. Looking at it math like you have
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 grouped into four numbers each for three
days. So if your have the first day 1,2,3,4 in one group, 5,6,7,8 in
the second and 9,10,11,12 in the third what can you do for the next
two days to have the fewest duplicates or have the greatest variety
in the foursomes?
Thanks Answered by Karen Meagher and Victoria West. |
11 golfers playing 4 rounds |
2009-06-14 |
From Brian: I have 11 golfers playing 4 rounds of golf. It would be great if we could play at least once with everybody. I realize we will have 2 foursomes and 1 threesome each round...can you help? Answered by Victoria West. |
Eight golfers, four days |
2009-04-28 |
From Billy: A golf Pairing question:
8 Golfers are Playing golf - one round per day
Four days of golf
(four twosomes) are paired each day to play
***No one can play with the same partner more than once
***Everyone must play with every other golfer in his foursome at least once
Is this possible? Answered by Robert Dawson. |
The callaway system |
2009-04-26 |
From Earl: Do you have a formula to enter players scores using the callaway system that calculate each player score after their score is entered? Answered by Victoria West. |
8 golfers in 3 rounds |
2009-04-22 |
From patrick: We have eight people, playing three rounds of golf. Would like to know the optimal pairings so that the most people can play with everyone. Thanks. Answered by Robert Dawson. |
A golf schedule for 18 teams |
2009-04-21 |
From laura: Could you help me form a golf schedule for 18 teams, playing a total of 8 weeks. Rotating the schedule each week so every team plays with a different team each week? I am using a shotgun format with 9 holes every week. Thank you for your input. Answered by Victoria West. |
28 golfers |
2009-04-18 |
A golf trip for eight |
2009-04-05 |
From Stuart: 8 of us are off on a golf trip later this month. We are playing 4 rounds in fourball format.
Can we put together groups of four so that we play with each other at least twice? I have spent ages on this but can't get it to fit! Your help would be appreciated Answered by Chris Fisher. |
A 14 team league that is divided into 2 divisions |
2009-03-07 |
From Ronnie: I have a 14 team league that is divided into 2 divisions. We have a total of 18 weeks to play. I would like for each team to play the team in their division twice. The remaining 6 weeks would be played with the other division. Any help would be appreciated. Answered by Chris Fisher and Victoria West. |
16 golfers playing one round of golf on each of four days |
2009-02-22 |
From Jim: I have seen solutions for other combinations of setting up a golf trip but I haven't seen one for my group. We have 16 golfers playing one round of golf on each of four days. Is there a way for all of them to play in foursomes so that everyone gets to play with everyone else? Thanks for your consideration. Answered by Chris Fisher. |
6 golfers playing 8 rounds |
2009-02-21 |
From evan: I have a group of 6 golfers playing 8 rounds. we would like to rotate the 3 somes so each person golfs with different people as many times as possible Answered by Chris Fisher. |
8 golfers, 5 rounds |
2009-02-12 |
From John: 8 of us are going on a golf trip next month. We are golfing 5 rounds. Is there any way that everyone can play with each other at least twice?
I have been trying to figure it out but it always seems that someone plays with another golfer only once. Answered by Chris Fisher. |
9 golfers |
2009-02-12 |
From Beth: I am organizing a golf trip for 9 women. We are playing in threesomes
and are playing four days.
I would love to mix it up so that everyone gets to play with each other
at least once. Any mathematical suggestions as to how I can make this
happen?? Answered by Robert Dawson. |
12 golfers |
2009-02-04 |
From david: 12 golfers playing in 3 four balls over five rounds. can everyone play with
everyone else at least once. Answered by Victoria West. |
7 golfers playing 4 days of golf |
2009-01-30 |
From Trish: I have 7 golfers and we are playing 4 days of golf. I would like to do pairings so that everyone gets to play with each other at least one time. Can you help with this? Not a math whiz here and looking for help. Thank you. Answered by Victoria West. |
20 of us golf together in groups of 4 |
2009-01-24 |
From D.: Every Sunday, 20 of us golf together in groups of 4. I am looking for a
way that each of us play with 3 other people each week and ultimately get
to play in groups that are unique. For instance if week 1, I play with 2, 3, 4
and then the next week I play with 5, 6, 7, and the 3rd week I play with 8,
9, 10 and so forth until I have played with everyone. Everbody else should be
doing the same thing. Can you give me a schedule for this and how many weeks
would it take for all of us to accomplish this where we all play with different
combinations of people. (We should not play with the same person very often or even
the same pairs of people but everyone should play with everybody else) I hope
this makes sense........whew and thanks! Answered by Victoria West. |
A 28 week golf schedule |
2009-01-17 |
From Don: You have a 12 man golf schedule playing 8 weeks. Can you
go further and make it a 28 week schedule. 3 foursomes. any help would be greatly appreciated. Answered by Victoria West. |
A golf trip with 12 golfers |
2009-01-16 |
From Brad: I am organizing a golf trip with 12 golfers. We will play 5 rounds (3 foursomes each round)
total and play two 9 holes matches per round (18holes). So two matches are created within each foursome. What are the possible combinations of foursomes so that everyone plays each other at least once with the least number of repeat matches?
For example: Here are the foursomes for round 1:(1,2,3,4) (5,6,7,8) (9,10,11,12)
match 1 round 1: 1vs2, 3vs4, 5vs6, 7vs8, 9vs10,11vs12
we can not split foursomes up for the second match (9 hole matches):
So match 2 round 1: 1vs3, 2vs4,5vs7,6vs8,9vs11,10vs12 Answered by Victoria West. |
16 golfers |
2009-01-11 |
From Bill: I have read many of your answers to similar questions but still need your assistance.
We have 16 golfers that will be playing in 4 groups of 4 each day on an upcoming golf vacation.
Can you suggest the best way to scheudle the individuals assigned to each daily foursome
so that we have the most diversity in foursomes throughout the vacation. I am trying to have evryone
play with as many members of the group over the week with the least amount of repetition.
If you would please provide it for both 6 and 7 days, since we are not sure yet how many days
we will be playing.
16 golfers-playing in groups of 4 each day-6 days
16 golfers-playing in groups of 4 each day-7 days Answered by Victoria West. |
18 golfers and 5 rounds |
2009-01-10 |
From steve: We have 18 golfers 5 rounds .
Would like 3 foursomes and 2threesomes each day
Different groups each day. Answered by Victoria West. |
24 golfers playing golf for 9 rounds |
2008-12-23 |
From Duane: Got 24 golfers playing golf for 9 rounds. Any formula where everyone can play with everyone else at least once. We are playing 4somes only. Thanks, Duane Answered by Victoria West. |
Golf - 24 guys 4-somes 6 rounds |
2008-12-07 |
From Duane: Thank you. What about 24 guys 4-somes 6 rounds everyone playing with each
other at least once.
Thanks again.
Duane Answered by Victoria West. |
Combinations of Golf Groups |
2008-12-05 |
From Duane: We have a golf outing coming up with 25 golfers playing 5 rounds in 5-somes. Is there a formula to figure out where everyone can play with different people each round? Thanks, Duane Answered by Victoria West. |
6 golfers play threeball |
2008-12-04 |
From Ian: I have a group of 6 golfers wanting to play 3 rounds as 2x threeballs, but with different players each day. Is this possible? Can you provide some threeball combinations for this please? Answered by Victoria West. |
Six golfers |
2008-11-25 |
From Joe: I have a group of 6 golfers wanting to play 3 or 4 rounds but with different players each day if possible. We know we cannot make it happen without some playing with the same person. Can you provide some pairings for this? Answered by Victoria West. |
20 golfers playing 5 rounds in 4-somes |
2008-09-03 |
From joe: 20 golfers playing 5 rounds in 4-somes. 5 players in group A play with all 15 golfers in groups B,C,D but not with any in their own group (A).
5 players in group B play with all 15 players in groups A,C,D but not with any in their own group (B) and so on. So each 4-some has an A,B,C,&D player each of the 5 rounds. Answered by Chris Fisher. |
A golf tournament |
2008-06-24 |
From Roland: We have a golf tournament, 12 players, three rounds. We want to pair so that we have pairings with as few duplications as possible. Answered by Janice Cotcher. |
Twenty golfers |
2008-03-16 |
From john: I have a group of 20 golfers. We plan on playing 6 rounds of golf in 4 days. I would like to have the most possible combinations of players without each player playing with anyone if possible, in the 4 days of golf Answered by Victoria West. |
Golf pairings |
2007-10-02 |
From Mike: Regarding arranging golf players so no person plays with anyone more than once.
You have given examples for 16 and 24 players. If it can be done, i need a
solution for 20 players, 4 players per team one round per day for 5 days Answered by Victoria West. |
Is there a way I can calculate correct square footage for odd shapes? |
2007-08-31 |
From Tom: I manage a golf course, and we are about to over seed the course for the upcoming winter months. We will be over seeding all greens, fairways, and tee boxes. Noone of the area that we will be placing seed on is a regular shape. The closest shapes they would be is a circle, rectangle or square, but most of them are all odd CURVED shapes. I know what the equation is for Square ft., and I know how many Square ft. are in an acre, but I need to be precise with the amount of seed I order. Is there a way I can calculate correct square footage for odd shapes. Answered by Harley Weston. |
Golf schedule |
2007-03-30 |
From Jim: I am organising a golf break for 12 golfers playing in 3 fourballs over 5 days. I would like to maximise the number of different golfers each player can play with. Any help would br greatly appreciated. Answered by Penny Nom. |
28 golfers playing golf over 7 days |
2007-03-20 |
From ian: I have 28 golfers playing golf over 7 days
I would like everybody to play with each other at least once
Is there a schedule?
Thank you
Ian Answered by Penny Nom. |
14 golfers--6 days |
2007-02-02 |
From tom: 14 of us are going golfing-- over the course of 6 days is there a formula that would allow us to have the chance to play with as many different partners as possible--2 foursome, and two threesomes Answered by Chris Fisher. |
A golf schedule for three days |
2006-08-18 |
From Jon:
I was wondering if I could trouble you to assist me with the following: I am working on a playing schedule for 28 golfers. 7 groups of 4. I have 3 golf days to schedule.
Ideally, I would like to schedule all 28 golfers in 7 different groups of 4 on each day. Here is the catch.....no golfer in any group can be grouped togther more than once. Every group of 4 each day will have 4 new golfers that have never played together before. Is this possible? Answered by Penny Nom. |
Mini Golf |
2006-08-17 |
From Sarah: I am a sixth grade teacher in Minnesota. I want to have my students explore mini golf and calculate the reflections and angles so that they can figure out how to hit a hole in one. I know that my daughter had various problems like this in eighth grade geometry, but I can't seem to find any internet activities of the appropriate level. Answered by Stephen La Rocque. |
Mini Golf geometry |
2006-07-18 |
From Sarah: I want to have my students explore mini golf and calculate the reflections and angles so that they can figure out how to hit a hole in one. I know that my daughter had various problems like this in eighth grade geometry, but I can't seem to find any internet activities of the appropriate level.
If you can steer me towards any resources, I'd be most grateful. Answered by Natasha Glydon. |
Twenty golfers |
2006-05-08 |
From Mona: We have twenty golfers and four rounds of golf. We would like to figure out how to make foursomes so that each golfer plays with as many different golfers as possible. Answered by Penny Nom. |
Golfing with 8 or 12 |
2006-02-13 |
From Carolyn: I have a couple of questions that my dad asked me and I do not think it can be done in the manner he wants it to come out to.
He is going on a golf trip in June. There are going to be either 8 or 12 players playing 4 rounds of golf.
The questions that he says will not work and I do not know how to figure it out either is
4 Rounds of golf is for sure. 18 hole Rounds each
4 Players to a group
Either 8 or 12 players can every player play with every player in a group at least once during those 4 rounds.
If this can be done can you give me the combinations for both 8 and 12 , so I can help out my dad. Along with how you you figure this out. Answered by Penny Nom. |
Twelve golf balls |
2005-12-28 |
From Todd: You have 12 golf balls and 11 of them are the exact same weight, but one of them is either a little heavier or a little lighter. You only have three attempts to weigh the balls. How can you determine which ball weighs more/less than the rest? Answered by Penny Nom. |
A golf outing for 16 golfers |
2005-08-05 |
From Bob: I have a golf outing fast approaching and I’m having a problem matching the golfers so that everyone plays a round of golf with every other golfer in the group.
My problem is this: I have 16 golfers playing 5 rounds of golf. I would like a different foursome for every round of golf, that is each round (5 total) an individual is playing with 3 other players he hasn’t played with as of yet. Can you crunch the numbers and get back to me?
The way I see it, we have 20 combinations (5 rounds x 4 golfers) with numbers 1 thru 16. Answered by Chris Fisher. |
20 Golfers |
2004-10-26 |
From Ian: I have 20 golfers playing over 6 days I would like to schedule all 20 golfers in 5 groups of 4 on each day here is the catch.... I would like each player to play with each other once during the 6 days. Answered by Chris Fisher. |
Golfing with Norm |
2004-08-19 |
From Norm: I am organizing a golf tournament with 6 American and 6 Canadian players. We play 3 rounds of golf. Is there any way to arrange that everyone plays without playing with the same person twice. Each foursome must consist of 2 Americans and 2 Canadians with one of each in a cart. Your help would be much appreciated. Answered by Claude Tardif. |
Golfing with Sally |
2004-08-19 |
From Sally: We are a group of 8 golfers (2 foursomes) and want to golf 3 games together. How can we arrange it so that we all get to golf with each other at least once?
At another venue, we have 18 golfers (3 foursomes, 2 threesomes) and want to golf 6 games together. Same question, how can we arrange it so that we all get to golf with each other at least once? Answered by Claude Tardif. |
Selecting balls from a golf bag |
2004-02-21 |
From A student: There are 5 white and 5 yellow balls in a golf bag. Two are selected randomly, and simultaneously. What is the probability that the first one or the second one will be white? Answered by Penny Nom. |
A golf tournament |
2003-08-23 |
From Dale: I am running a golf tournament with twelve golfers. We will be playing four rounds of golf. I don't want to schedule the same two players together more than twice (if possible). How would I make a schedule that each player would play at least once with every other player? I would appreciate any help that you can give me. Answered by Denis Hanson. |
A schedule for 24 golfers |
2002-05-25 |
From John: I am working on a schedule for 24 golfers. 6 groups of 4. I have 8 golf days (twice per week for a month). Ideally, I would like to schedule all 24 golfers in 6 different groups of 4 on each day. Here is the catch.....no golfer in any group can be grouped togther more than once. Every group of 4 each day will have 4 new golfers that have never played together before. Is this possible? Answered by Chris Fisher. |
Manufactures golf balls |
2001-11-06 |
From Kevin: A company manufactures golf balls. Golf balls are each numbered consecutively 0 to 4, and then the numbering starts over with zero again. Every 12th golf ball is yellow. Every 8th golf ball is tested for defects. The company produces 120,000 golf balls in an eight-hour shift. A. How many yellow golf balls are tested for defects during the day? Explain your reasoning. B. How many of these yellow balls that are tested are imprinted with the numeral 2? Explain your reasoning. Answered by Penny Nom. |
Buckets of golf balls |
2001-02-08 |
From A student: A bucket containing 40 golf balls weighs 135 ounces. The same bucket with 20 golf balls weighs 75 ounces. What is the weight of the bucket? Answered by Claude Tardif. |
Scheduling a golf vacation |
2000-12-05 |
From Michael: I'm having a problem scheduling matches for a golf vacation. We have 12 people playing 7 rounds of golf in 7 days. We play 2 man teams vs. 2 man teams everyday.Is there a formula so that you play WITH a different partner everyday and AGAINST as many different people as possible? Thank You for any help you may be. Answered by Penny Nom. |
Golf Problem - The Sequel |
1998-11-13 |
From Bob: Sixteen golfers, seven rounds. What are optimum combinations for each golfer to play with as many different golfers as possible? Many thanks, Bob Payson Answered by Denis Hanson. |
Golf problem |
1998-08-25 |
From Bob: Twelve golfers plan to play seven rounds of golf. Each would like to play as many rounds with different golfers as possible. What are the optimum combinations to accomplish that goal? Answered by Denis Hanson. |